Congratulations on your acceptance to Aphelion! Before you start playing, make sure you've taken care of the following steps:
1. Create your character journal, and reply to the acceptance email with the new journal so we can add you to the taken list.
2. In the "name" field for your character journal, please type their name - do not leave their username here, as is the default setting.
3. Go to
Customize Journal Style and scroll down. Toward the bottom, where it says "Disable custom comment pages," select "Yes".
4. On the character's profile page, you MUST have the following:
Character name:
Point at which taken from source:
Blood type:
Average daily food consumption (in food units):
Special abilities:
The easiest way to do this is to simply copy and paste your application onto your profile page. Anything else is optional.
5. Copy and paste this disclaimer at the bottom of the profile page:
This is a roleplaying journal for
by .
[Character name] belongs to [applicable companies].
All content is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, not for profit.
6. Visit the Taken Characters page to use the friend add list.
7. Join aphelion_rpg and aphelion_ooc with your character journal. If the above steps have been completed, you will be added to the community.
8. Go to the Contact Info page and follow the directions there.
9. Success! Don't forget to have a look at the Orientation Letter and Habitation Kit, and read the Colony Maps and Room Descriptions.
You may now post to your heart's content. ♥ Remember, all characters will appear on the Observation Deck. Check out the Welcome post for an idea of what your character will experience, but remember, your character will appear alone. Please also start with your own post to aphelion_rpg; do not comment on the Welcome post.
Once your character has chosen their place of residence, let us know at the Character lodging page.