- Pronounced /ĭ/-kə-lŭs (IH-keh-lus)
- Current distance from sun: 62.1 AU (5.77 × 109 miles)
- Aphelion: 63 AU
- Perihelion: 32 AU
- Orbital period: 331.2 years (2:1 orbital resonance with Neptune)
- Radius: 137.5 meters (451.1 feet)
- Mass: 2.18 × 1010 kilograms
- Surface composition: primarily water ice, with ammonia, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane ices also present.
- "Mountain" to the southwest is 41m (135ft) high
Facing South, with North being sunward.
- Pronounced /mōr/-fē-ŭs (MORE-fee-us)
- Current distance from sun: 62.1 AU (5.77 × 109 miles)
- Aphelion: 63 AU
- Perihelion: 32 AU
- Orbital period: 331.2 years (2:1 orbital resonance with Neptune)
- Radius: 1.75 kilometers (1.09 miles)
- Mass: 4.49 × 1013 kilograms
- Surface composition: primarily water ice, with ammonia, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane ices also present.