The Shag Marry Kill Meme

Jul 18, 2011 14:45

This is a meme that's I'm sure everyone has done elsewhere in some form or another.  But just in case I'll give you a refresher.

The Shag Marry Kill Meme

step 1 - Post with you character!

step 2 - Respond to other characters declaring one of those three options; ie 'I'd tap that' 'I'd marry you' or 'I'd throw you off a cliff into shark infested water ( Read more... )


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ingreatdeeds July 18 2011, 19:07:12 UTC
kontrkul_tura July 20 2011, 22:19:45 UTC
[He'll lie in wait, like a predator... or a douchebag with really nothing better to do.]

Make me Pussyboy.


ingreatdeeds July 20 2011, 22:40:30 UTC
[ Pfft, that works.

He opens his mouth, then snaps it closed, puffing up like a disgruntled bird ruffling its feathers.

Thanks to the 1866 thing, he likely couldn't make Russia do much of anything. ]


kontrkul_tura July 20 2011, 22:48:41 UTC
That's what I thought~

[Lounge lounge insert smug here.]


usaisnumberwon July 20 2011, 22:38:10 UTC
...*thinks hard*...are we married since I won and took back all the states and stuff?


ingreatdeeds July 20 2011, 23:03:29 UTC
[ ...that gave him a bit of a pause, too. He never thought of it that way before. ]

...I...guess ya could look at it that way?


usaisnumberwon July 21 2011, 00:47:51 UTC
*He shrugs.* Yeah...and...that would make us married for a long time!


ingreatdeeds July 21 2011, 01:23:17 UTC
Very long time...

[ Wow thinking about it that way could be potentially awkward. ]

What, since tha war was over?


usaisnumberwon July 21 2011, 11:43:02 UTC
*It totally is awkward.*

Yeah, since the war is over...I guess we could say before the war too but that sounds even worse considering how much younger you are than me! *shivers*


ingreatdeeds July 21 2011, 15:40:11 UTC
[ Aaron's trying to save himself embarrassment by pretending it isn't. ]

...just sayin' after tha war would be best.

[ Because jesus that would kinda pedo of you Al otherwise. ]

Atleast I wouldn' be able ta leave ya again?

[ He's trying to make light of it. ]


usaisnumberwon July 22 2011, 01:48:41 UTC
Yeah, after the War, definitely after, a very more solid...Union...for better or for worse...and hell no I wouldn't let you leave again!


ingreatdeeds July 22 2011, 01:57:13 UTC
Fer better or fer worse...

'N if I was married ta ya I wouldn' try ta leave in tha first place; I ain't so flighty!

[ He seems mildly insulted Alfred would think that of him. ]


usaisnumberwon July 23 2011, 18:16:19 UTC
I know I know! *No need to get your knickers in a twist!*


ingreatdeeds July 23 2011, 20:36:58 UTC
[ Bahaha, can you blame him~? ]

Well...good then, I guess.


usaisnumberwon July 23 2011, 23:04:24 UTC already sound like my wife!


ingreatdeeds July 24 2011, 01:47:03 UTC
[ Bahahaha, that certainly got a embarrassed blush out of Aaron~ ]

Now how do I sound li'e yer wife?

[ The funny part is CSA actually is very...well, wife-y, for better or for worse. ]


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