Breaking Into Patriotic Song Here.

May 31, 2009 21:22

[ It was still a month until the first of July and Canada's already humming his national anthem out of almost nowhere. He follows the instrumental playing through his earphones. Soon after singing the final "Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee", he pauses. The tune repeats itself. He continues with the little known second verse:

O Canada! Where pinesandmaples grow.

Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.

How dear to us thy broad domain,

From East to Westernsea.

Thou land of hope, for all who toil!

Thou True North strong and free!

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada! We stand on guard for thee!

O Canada! We stand on guard for thee!

Upon finishing, he goes on with the third and fourth verses like nobody's business, voice echoing about the HQ halls. ]

[Ooc; font needs to be highlighted in order to be read for the most part xD sorry!]


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