[He should have just... kept on moving.]

Nov 19, 2011 16:31

[Really, all he wanted to do was a bit of wandering. New places always interested him, and he certainly hadn't seen this building before, so he figured he could do a bit of exploring before meeting up with England. He was sure there'd be time- it was only just a quick peak, after all.

It was only after an hour, though, did he notice he couldn't ( Read more... )

!canon, america

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Comments 92

/just. put this one here. hello there~ ingreatdeeds November 19 2011, 18:04:44 UTC
[ A certain Confederate probably would have just kept on walking past the room, but...damnit. He recognizes that voice. ]

Cursin' tha buildin' ain't gonna help.

[ Only god knows how many times he's done it himself. Usually ends up in some embarrassing situation for his trouble. ]


Hello, hello~ ahamburgerhero November 20 2011, 09:42:02 UTC
[It didn't register to him that he had company at first. Being frustrated at the sudden disappearance of the only exit to his knowledge took up most of his attention, and he mindlessly answered the person without even properly realizing it.]

Well buildings aren't supposed to make doors disa-

[He was cut off when the realization finally struck him, and he slightly turned his head to look at whoever was behind him.]



Hey there~ ingreatdeeds November 20 2011, 16:32:59 UTC
[ Aaron laughs lightly stepping into the room. ]

Yes, HQ has a way of doin' that. Pity, it'd be quite surprisin' if ya found a way ta git back where ya came from.


ahamburgerhero November 22 2011, 09:44:09 UTC
[Well... wow. Aaron wasn't even the least that Alfred expected. If anything, he didn't expect to find someone who looked so similar, yet so different, to him, and the Southern accent wasn't missed either.]

HQ? [He repeated these two letters, blinking in confusion.] Headquarters of what? And what do you mean by... wait. Who the heck are you anyway?


nieuwnederlands November 20 2011, 14:23:22 UTC
[Peeks around the corner at the sound of someone swearing.]



ahamburgerhero November 22 2011, 09:51:57 UTC
[Seeing Aaron was one thing- the guy could pass as his twin if he wanted to, but there were noticeable differences from his appearance. This kid, however... this kid looked like a younger Alfred. Heck, he probably was a younger Alfred, for all he knew.]

Um... hey. [He greeted, waving one hand slowly and awkwardly.]


nieuwnederlands November 22 2011, 15:39:26 UTC
[It was another him! There sure were a lot around.]

Hallo! Hoe gaat het met u?

[...Was it too much to hope he'd found another him that had been raised by the Netherlands? He was beginning to feel like one of those weird people.]


ahamburgerhero November 23 2011, 09:47:39 UTC
[Sadly, this America was raised by England, and he had next to no knowledge on the Dutch language. So the only thing he really could do was tilt his head and say,]

... huh?


consummatumest November 21 2011, 02:28:23 UTC

[The question is asked quietly, easily missed.

Especially since unless America spontaneously learned how to translate pidgin Angelic it came across as a particularly melodic whistle. Matt realizes a few seconds after speaking that there is a very good possibility that this isn't his brother, exactly. He coughs. Right, trying this again, in English.] ... Alfred?


ahamburgerhero November 22 2011, 09:58:24 UTC
[It was the sound of his name being called that caught Alfred's attention. He looked around for said person who said his name, eyes wandering around the room a bit before they finally found said person.]

... Mattie? [His eyes widened in surprise, confusion, and relief- surprise that his brother was here, confusion as to why he WAS here, and relief that it was someone who wasn't an alternate version of himself. Of course, he didn't really know that this wasn't his brother, or at least, the brother he knew. Something felt off, but he was too distracted at seeing Matt to notice that feeling.]

Dude, what're you even doing here?! I mean, not that I'm mad or anything, just kinda surprised since you're, um, here, but... did you get trapped too or something?


consummatumest November 22 2011, 20:55:41 UTC
Oh, no. I've been able to come and go as I please. ... I take it that's not the case with you?


ahamburgerhero November 23 2011, 09:50:22 UTC
It definitely isn't! [He couldn't help but take hold of Matt's arm and tug it gently.] C'mon, Mattie, get me out of here~!


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