Camp Event! Scavenger Hunt of Epic

Aug 08, 2011 13:09

Greetings to you O adventurers of the Great Outdoors.  Today I propose to you a little game.  A quest even.  Before me is a stack of cards.  On the back of each of these card is written the name of an item you must find and bring back to this very spot.  I believe you common folk refer to it as a 'Scavenger Hunt'.

As I am feeling incredibly good ( Read more... )

!event, !animal

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literally_liet August 9 2011, 18:08:54 UTC
Sounds fun!

[pulls card]

Ancestral Gore Gauntlet

Who wants to help me find an old gauntlet meant for putting big bloody holes in things?


literally_liet August 10 2011, 04:20:15 UTC
[Does NOT care about the freaking gauntlet any more] Wait! Maybe they're fake skulls!

... n-no, they're not fake skulls.

Okay. Here's the plan: we back out very, very carefully. One step at a time. You look at the door. I'll look behind us. Just in case.

((Trap door?))


finta_femmina August 10 2011, 04:25:40 UTC
Veee...Scary scary...

S-si....S-slowly... [One small step at a time.]

((ooc: Go for it. b(=Δ=)9))


feel free to add anything you want to this ridiculousness! literally_liet August 10 2011, 04:34:02 UTC
[shuffling backwards, arm linked with Italy] Even Russia is scared of catacombs ... he wouldn't put anything in them, they're sacred ... [trips a little, and--]


[And land with a splash. In cold, six-inch-deep water.]

[And Lithuania, because - as he neglected to tell you - he is extremely unlucky, has landed on his head somehow. At the moment, he's conscious, but really woozy.]

[mngah] wh-wha happn'd?


finta_femmina August 10 2011, 04:45:25 UTC
Waaahh~!! Noooo! No no no no-! Ohiiii....Wet! I'm wet! ["I'm in pain! I'm wet! And I'm still hysterical!" He's also hoping that since it's dark his shirt won't be too see-through. That's what he gets for wearing white.]

V-ve? Lithuania? Are you okay...? We...We fell through...Something.


literally_liet August 10 2011, 04:51:37 UTC
[soooo not coherent] mnwha? Fell? 's dark. M'wet! Ugh. [tries to sit up] Russ' drop me down a well 'gain?

[Lithuania will not be cognizant of your white blouse or its see-through-ness for a bit, but fear not, he knows how to honor a lady's virtue.]


finta_femmina August 10 2011, 04:56:21 UTC
V-ve...Nuh-uh. We were in that scary house, remember? A-and then the catacombs and.....We just fell and I don't like it! Please get back to normal...!


literally_liet August 10 2011, 05:00:29 UTC
C-catacombs? Why 'ould I-- [blinks slowly] Italy? Why're you wearing a dress? And when did y'grow your hair out?

[Don't worry too much. He'll snap out of it shortly. One can only hope.]


finta_femmina August 10 2011, 05:10:37 UTC
E-e...Um...I've always worn dresses... [Which really is true. He's never stopped wearing them.] I-I've been growing it since I was little....Are you...Really okay?


literally_liet August 10 2011, 05:17:49 UTC
[Holding his head] Mmn ... I never heard you were a crossdress-- [!!] [And there he is again!] I'm so sorry, Miss Italy - it's just that, where I come from, you're male, and --! I'm really sorry!

[Also notices your state of dress in the water and quickly turns away!] [He can't really see anything, but that shirt is white.]

Y-you're all right? You didn't hurt anything on the fall?


finta_femmina August 10 2011, 05:30:23 UTC
V-ve...Oh! It's okay! You hit your head, si? You were disoriented! [Oh, thank god. He's was worried for a minute there.

He's so glad he invested in a pair of fake breasts at this point. You don't even know.]

S-si, I'm alright....A little sore...But I don't think anything's broken or anything.


sadly mun must sleep now D= literally_liet August 10 2011, 05:38:44 UTC
[phew, oh geez that was uncomfortable] I-I must have.

At least we're all right! L-let's find a way ou--

[at the other end of the room he sees this:

... )


Good night! finta_femmina August 10 2011, 05:42:21 UTC
Waaahhh! I knew this was a bad idea! Knew it, knew it, knew it! Wh-wh-what is that thing?! [Clinging. Clinging forever, regardless of wetness.]


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