Beating the heat

Jul 21, 2011 20:54

[It's Summer. That's obvious, isn't it? Well, it's also really hot. Twice as hot for Gilkatze, 'cause he's wearing a fur coat 24/7.

So today he's looking for someplace cool to nap.

This cat can be seen everywhere in HQ. In the kitchen looking to get a cold drink? Sorry, Gilkatze is sprawled out on the ground in front of the fridge. Want to relax ( Read more... )

prussia, !animal

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Comments 46

rosario_gato July 22 2011, 20:44:01 UTC
[Oh, that doesn't bother Bossgato much, he will just drop himself on Gilkatze.]


awesomekatze July 22 2011, 21:11:19 UTC
Geh... miau! {Hey, get off!}

[This is not an acceptable compromise :|]


rosario_gato July 22 2011, 21:20:59 UTC
Miao? {Why?}

[He can offer snuggles in return? And grooming his fur.]


awesomekatze July 24 2011, 04:26:35 UTC
Miau! Miau! {'Cause it's hot!}

[That's a much better deal. Still, Gilkatze wriggles lamely under the other cat.]


lafilledeneige July 23 2011, 00:57:26 UTC
[ ... That was odd, why was there a cat in her room? She hadn't left the door open and it was shut when she got back. Hm, and where was Kumachi? ]

How'd you get in here?


awesomekatze July 24 2011, 04:24:12 UTC
[He totally battled that bear for room-dominance. And won.

He stops rolling around on Maddy's bed just long enough to fix her with a cat stare.]

Miau. {Simple doors aren't enough to keep me out, lady.}


lafilledeneige July 24 2011, 13:55:36 UTC
[ Totally. Or the bear just got, y'know, bored and left.

She's coming over to sit down beside the cat, reaching over to pet his head ] Don't do that, you'll get your hair all over my bed.


grandfrereminou July 23 2011, 02:35:18 UTC
[He'll just have to squeeze himself between Gilkatze and the fan then, won't he. Exactly. And he is. If you get pushed to make room for all his fluff in the process, he doesn't care, he needs that fan way more than you, shorthair.]


awesomekatze July 24 2011, 04:21:54 UTC
[Gilkatze doesn't move willing, just lying there and glaring at Franchat. It's too hot to push back, so he'll just lay there. For now. That doesn't mean he won't still snap at the other though.]

Rrrriau! Miau! {Ugh! Get your own fan, fancy fur!}


grandfrereminou July 26 2011, 02:30:50 UTC
[As a result, he's probably half directly in front of the fan and half on him. Which isn't quite helping either of them cool down. He gives him a little hiss, though it's rather half-hearted.]

["Excusez-moi, Gilchat, but I have had my eye on this fan for some time now! I even plugged it in moi-même!" Which was a lie--in fact, he'd mostly been following the other around looking for cool places, since he was a bit more adventurous and had better luck.]


wanwankitten July 23 2011, 13:47:30 UTC
[Kittaiwan is small (and cute) enough to get away with sprawling herself right next to you!]

Miao! (Much better!)


awesomekatze July 24 2011, 04:17:33 UTC
[He blinks at her, trying to remember if he's seen her around before.]

Miau! {Well hallo there~}


wanwankitten July 24 2011, 13:22:39 UTC
[Was about to start her kitty nap, but looks up when she hears you.]

Miaomiao! (You're one of Japaneko's friends! Hi!) [Paws a little.]


vereintundfrei July 24 2011, 04:32:09 UTC
So cute~

[Her only problem with the cat on her bed is that she is not petting it. She remedies the situation.]


awesomekatze July 24 2011, 04:44:30 UTC
[Gilkatze approves of this new component to the situation. His purrs are Liechtenstein's reward.]


vereintundfrei July 24 2011, 04:54:50 UTC
It must be hot with all that fur~

[She moves her hand to scratch his neck with her knuckles.]


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