part 328 creepy things under the bed

Mar 03, 2013 12:54

Oh meme! It's March! Do you know what that means? ... Neither do I. But I have been watching a good amount of horror films lately and thinking about reading more horror books when I have time. I don't know why, sometimes I just get in a horror mood! Speaking of horror, I still haven't watched the new episodes yet! I keep seeing screencaps and I ( Read more... )

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oh_espana March 18 2013, 02:09:09 UTC
[This time he's going totally under the radar]

If you could pick anything in the whole world for your birthday what would you want? But just for you not for your whole country or anything... The first thing that comes to your mind!

[He's already got a little something anyway, but hey, it's not too late to see if maybe he missed out on something you really wanted]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 02:13:01 UTC
[Oh, yeah, totally. Except you're way obvious. He's in a good mood, though, so he'll play along.]

[Or tease you mercilessly.]

First thing? Hmm...

[Makes a show of thinking about it. Then, deadpans--]

Birthday sex.


oh_espana March 18 2013, 02:20:15 UTC



C-can't you pick something else?

[Not as planned not as planned, abort mission!]

[And yeah, his mask's already slipping]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 02:23:05 UTC
[He's having even more fun with this than he expected.]

You said anything I wanted, Anonymous. I'm just telling you.

[Having a hard time keeping a straight face, though. Bites the inside of his cheek to keep quiet.]


oh_espana March 18 2013, 02:28:02 UTC
... Wouldn't a nice birthday hug work just as well?

[Slips the mask back up his face. He's lucky you didn't catch that!]

Or maybe just a normal present. Like something from Spain so you can be nice and support his economy!

[How is he supposed to respond to this, really!?]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 02:36:13 UTC
I could have hugs or buy things from Spain any day. Birthday sex is only once a year.

[He didn't intend on dragging it out this long, but. Kind of curious to see what you'll do.]

[Though he doesn't understand why you buying a present for him from Spain would help boost your economy. Maybe you're trying to make the present free, though.]


oh_espana March 18 2013, 02:40:45 UTC
[... That is true. And he did ask what you wanted. And this is really not the situation he expected, here]


A-ah. Maybe I could just give you a hug to start? And then we can see if you still want... that?

[Right. You definitely wouldn't want sex from a stranger, right? Of course you'll stop after that]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 02:45:38 UTC
[Turns red, because welp. He was not expecting you to even come close to agreeing.]

U-um... sure...

[Lacking his previous confidence now. It's karma, really; he threw you for a loop and now the same is happening to him.]


oh_espana March 18 2013, 02:52:48 UTC
[You deserve it, really]

[But hey, he can do hugs, hugs are cool. How he thinks you won't recognize his body is a mystery, though]

[He's comfortable with this part at least, so he'll just go ahead and pull you in like he usually would, arms wrapped loosely around your waist]

[Yes, if they could just stop here all would be fine]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 04:55:08 UTC
[Hugs back, a little awkwardly at first, until he settles against you.]

[Reaches up with one hand to knock the mask off your face, then buries his face in your neck.]



oh_espana March 18 2013, 05:14:04 UTC
[He's only surprised for a moment, but as soon as the shock wears away he's already leaning in to press his own face back against your neck, laughing]

You knew... I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

[But with that secret now open between them he's noticeably more relaxed being himself instead of a nameless stranger again, and his arms wrap a little tighter around your waist, crossing over your back]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 05:24:36 UTC
'Course I knew... you're not subtle at all.

[Squeaks a little and flushes when your arms wrap tighter around him. He manages to resist headbutting you away, but it's a near thing.]

[Still, being this close doesn't exactly do the best things to his body. Takes a few deep breaths and pointedly avoids eye contact.]


oh_espana March 18 2013, 05:37:19 UTC
[Sorry, he's enjoying this too much to really notice any internal conflict you're having here]

[And maybe he's feeling a little extra cuddly tonight]

Could have at least pretended to make me feel better...

[This is just teasing though, it's obvious he's feeling better without that mask on. At least you don't have to fight to avoid eye contact with the way he's almost nuzzling into your shoulder]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 06:05:34 UTC
[Maybe he's feeling a little less prickly tonight. Maybe.]

I did pretend. But then I got bored of it.

[Squirms a little at the almost-nuzzling. He sort of wishes you were less touchy-feely.]


oh_espana March 18 2013, 06:10:25 UTC
[No such luck, comes with the territory if you're hanging around him much. You may as well just give in and enjoy it, because he's not going to stop]

That was extra mean then, if you knew right away! You had me worried...

[Because now that it's clear you did know it was him obviously you weren't serious at all, right?]


tomatoes_dammit March 18 2013, 06:22:02 UTC
Why were you worried?

[He's pouting a little, now. You better not be treating him like a child again.]

[...Well, he wasn't completely serious....]


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