part 317 christmases in july

Jul 17, 2012 00:13

Meme! What's shaking? How is your July - can you believe it's halfway over? - going? Anything interesting happen? Any interesting stories, tales, yarns to share? I met Elvis. Not really. But it would make a good story. And what about that Volume 5 cover, huh? What about it? :)

Enjoy part 317!

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+1 lookscold July 27 2012, 08:21:30 UTC


[ Looks around. Makes sure no one is watching... ]


[ Pretends to eat a hot dog. Aaaaa, he wants one so bad right now. Maybe if he acts like he's eating one really well, he'll start to get the taste of it... ]


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 27 2012, 10:15:31 UTC
[without thinking he reaches out and brushes that raindrop away with a sleeve-- before catching himself and snatching his arm back immediately]

....s-sorry, um, there was... a-a fly.

[chews on his lip briefly in embarrassment before nodding and pretending that was nothing]

That works. I've got a bunch of games we could play, too.


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 27 2012, 10:19:48 UTC
[ He wasn't expecting that. Wiggling his nose and scratching at it after that sleeve came into contact with him. ]

A fly...?

[ ... Slow reflex for a fly- And it felt like water. Weird. Well, whatever. Why would someone lie about a fly being on their face? ... Hmmm. ]

Sounds like a good place to waste some time. Lead the way.


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 27 2012, 10:38:53 UTC

[but as they walk, there's a drop of rain-- followed by another, and another, and another until it begins to outright rain on them]


[covers his head with his sleeves as he glances up at the grey sky, wincing at a sudden crackle of lightning]

Storm's starting.


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 27 2012, 10:47:32 UTC

[ He tries to shelter himself with his own sleeve, but it's not very effective. Standing in the rain without moving for a moment, he gets as close to the other as possible, as if that would provide a little extra shelter. ]

This wouldn't be so bad if I had an umbrella... How much farther to your place? We might have to just stop somewhere else.


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 27 2012, 10:55:02 UTC
[he stops for a moment when Iceland does, watching the other as he stands close]

Not that far--

[the rain suddenly intensifies and instinctively he reaches out and grabs the other's hand, pulling him close before starting to run through the downpour]

W-we can make it if we run!


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 27 2012, 11:13:37 UTC
[ Before he can make any sound of opposition, there's a grip at his hand and his feet are running on their own. Everything is wet; cold. A strong wind against his face. Is it from the storm, or from running? It's hard to tell. Breathing deeply as he runs without registering just how intimate this really it, he stares at the figure drenched in rain ahead of him - Leading him. Why is this so comfortable? Despite all the discomforts surrounding him: freezing air, pounding rain, sharp inhales, sore feet ... It's still nice. ]


[ He doesn't say a word once they reach the other's place, stopping to catch his breath. Water drips off the white strands of his hair and onto the floor - He can't bring himself to say anything. Not after that. What what that feeling? ]


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 28 2012, 08:05:55 UTC
[Hong Kong lets out a deep breath as he finally lets the other's hand go to close the door behind them, drowning out the sound of the pouring rain before turning back with a hint of a breathless smile]

See, we made it.

[his gaze is warm and protective as he looks at Iceland, watching the rain trail down those damp strands. A long moment passes and he only just catches himself from brushing the other's hair away from his face, swallowing awkwardly instead before running off and returning with some towels just for the other]

Dry yourself off and like, make yourself at home.

[drapes them playfully over his head and gives his hair a light ruffle through the cloth]

If you want, I can lend you some dry clothes for now.


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 28 2012, 08:46:13 UTC
[ Iceland stands there. Awkward and wet. Bangs sticking to his forehead. Hair dripping droplets and nose sniffling. The fabric of his clothes uncomfortably stick to his skin - It sucks. Before he has time to thank the other for the towel, there's a towel-y ruffle. Damn. He can never escape those. Still, he doesn't mind so much now. It's helping to dry him off. ]

... Thanks.

[ He ruffles his own hair with the towel now; drying it as much as possible. When he removes the towel, his hair is a mess - Ruffled all over the place and still fairly wet. ]

I, uhm, if you don't mind, I might have to borrow some clothes...


Will they fit? I don't know what size you take-


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 28 2012, 10:04:15 UTC
They should. I mean like, we're probably the same size anyway.

[Hong Kong makes a show of looking between himself and the other to compare, even though he knows it for a fact already]

Wait here.

[and he runs off again to his room, leaving Iceland alone once more]


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 28 2012, 10:11:18 UTC
If you're sure...

[ He lets the other run off. Standing there, he decides to take the offer to make himself at home. It's a rare sighting, but Iceland actually takes off his boots - DUN DUN DUN. The world is ending. Obviously. He does his best to dry himself off so he doesn't drip on the floor before heading into the living room. The decor of the place is warm. Warm? Familiar? Something... He must've seen a similar style somewhere before. ]

[ His eyes then drift to the coffee table. A cup. A mug. It's shaped like a panda - That's kind of cute. Iceland reaches for it and picks it up to get a better look, staring listlessly at it. Just... Staring... It's not just because it's cute. There's something else to it, isn't there? ]


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 28 2012, 10:39:31 UTC
[Hong Kong takes a while to pick out some clothes for the other- choosing colours he knows he likes, and making sure they're in good condition too. He quickly changes into his own set of dry clothes before grabbing Iceland's pile and making his way back to the living room]

[where he stops at the sight of the other, looking at the very mug he'd gotten for Hong Kong only a month earlier.]

Cute, isn't it?

[His smile is sad as he approaches quietly, handing him the pile of dry clothes before lifting the panda stirrer from the mug and studying at it fondly]

Someone special got it for me.


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 28 2012, 10:51:03 UTC
[ Once the other takes the stirrer, he sets the mug down nervously; scared to break it. His hold focused on the new set of clothes. ]

That so? It's cute. They must've known what you like most, huh?

[ Getting more comfortable with the other, Iceland nudges him with his elbow almost playfully. ]

Should've told me you had a girlfriend.

[ With that, he takes the clothes in the hallway. Not exactly willing to strip in front of the other. ]

I'll use your room for a second, if that's okay?

[ He heads to Hong Kong's room - Not even bothering to question how he already knows the way to that particular room. ]


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 28 2012, 11:42:03 UTC
[almost flushes when the other nudges him, but at his words his eyes shoot wide, not wanting the other to have such a misunderstanding]

But I don--

[Hong Kong only trails off as the other leaves before he can finish, watching him turn around the corner and out of sight to his room and hardly realising that the other isn't supposed to know where it is]


[he gazes at the stirrer a little longer, heaving a big sigh before gently replacing it, curling up on the couch and staring at the mug as he waits for the other to return]


Re: 2/2 lookscold July 28 2012, 11:58:23 UTC
[ While in the room, he removes his jacket and his top, shivering as his cold chest hits the air. He moves to slide on the borrowed clothes, but his eyes catch sight of a sweater. This place gives him some creepy deja vu. He shakes his head and finishes changing. ]

[ Iceland returns in no time at all, sporting his new duds. They fit almost perfectly, despite his earlier hesitation. They were really practically the same size, after all. He hangs his wet clothes on the railing by the entrance before flopping down on the couch next to the other, realizing all too late that he should be more careful with these clothes. They're borrowed, Iceland, gosh. ]

Uh- Thanks for lending me the clothes.


S...ay... That sweater on the floor of your room? Did you buy that at my place before you came drinking that one night?


Re: 2/2 xiaolongbaozhu July 29 2012, 09:03:01 UTC
[he sits up as soon as the other returns, trying to keep himself from instinctively scooting close]

Don't mention it. You can return it whenever.

[starts slightly at the mention of the sweater, realising he must have left it lying about- hopefully he hadn't left anything else out in the open]

Oh, um.. It's..... it was another gift.

[his eyes drift back to the mug briefly, sadness evident in his gaze, before getting abruptly to his feet and making his way over to the television to crouch down by the mess of game console wires]

R-right, what do you wanna play first? I've got like, pretty much everything...


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