First: HAPPY FIRST PART OF 2012!!!!
Second: Part 300.So. We're on Part 300. We've been through some times, meme. Good times, bad times. Awkardly mediocre times. Up times, down times, high five in the middle times. Holidays, birthdays, unbirthdays. Olympics and ice skating and Eurovision. Wank and meta wank. Porn and more porn. Gifs and jpegs and
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Book collections, manga collections, figure collections, doll collections, toy collections, etc etc.
How much do you have in your collection?
Where do you keep the collection?
About how much have you spent on your collection?
Tiny liquor bottles
...twentyish, I just started it late last year.
on my desk, as decoration, with little dried or artificial flowers in them '3'
I had a lot and spent loads on them before I threw them away, though.
Sob, too many to count... I don't wanna depress myself right now over how much money I've wasted.
I have maybe 40 bottles. It's hard to be sure though - I haven't counted recently. Most of them are in one box but since some of them have their own boxes it isn't organized.
Let's not get into how much money I've spent on them. Most are small, inexpensive 0.5 oz bottles from Demeter, but I have some large bottles of high-end stuff in there.
...I also collect My Little Ponies, ahaha. Though not as much as I used to.
I probably have about 250 of them. I really need to downsize my collection though - a lot of those are G3s, which I'm not all that interested in any more.
Most of them are in storage, though I have a few of them out on my bookcase.
I don't even want to think about how much I've spent on them. Gah.
One cent coins from my country. They stopped making them around the year 2000. I keep those in a bag 'til I'm able to find a better place to keep them.
Also plushies, most of which are gifts from friends and family. They are over the shelf, too.
The most I've spent money on are books. I love re-reading them from time to time or just looking at them on my bookshelf makes me happy. ♥
Pewter figurines
Holiday decorations(And within that sub-collections, such as my snowman collection in the Christmas collection)
Things with dogs on them
More that I can't think of right now
I have a shit load of things in most of my collections because my family likes to but stuff of my collections. In fact 95% of my collections aren't really mine in that I wasn't the one who bought them or came it with the idea, it was my mom/aunt/great-aunt/grandma who bought something and said "Here, now you have an x-collection!"
Wherever I can fit it, man.
Like I said, I myself really haven't bought that much of my collections, but think 20 years worth of birthday and Christmas presents.
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