These past few weeks I've been reading/re-reading Dear America books, and I'm now on one about a prairie teacher in Nebraska... it's reminding me of being little and playing teacher! What was your favorite game when you were younger? Mine is a tie between Peter Pan, where I'd always be Wendy about to walk off the plank and make my brother's friend
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[....Big Brother hates him]
[cue panic attack in 3....2....]
[breathe in, breathe out]
[sends a text to all three of them]
Are you okay
[hears his phone and checks before replying;]
I'm okay! I'm in a bunker with France and England at the moment. Are you okay though?
Big brother is after you. And he wants those two. [thinks for a minute before adding] Maybe you could cut a deal
[he hopes canada will listen, but doubts it. selfless bastard]
[sends a second one right after:]
If they listen they'll be fine according to ice
I knew he was after them, but I never knew about the HK thing. I feel so bad. Okay, I'm going to tell them.
[and that would be the last text from canada he gets]
[moves downthread pffft]
[Snatches his phone and holds it away from him. Looks at the correspondence.] just gave away our position, do you realize that? [SUDDENLY FRANTIC.] If Pays-Bas finds us, we'll be turned in! Do not trust what he says about this Big Brother character!
[You are grounded from the phone, little mister.]
[doesn't get a response]
You sure you're okay kid
[Texts him on Canada's phone.] Oh, I apologize, but I was only confused. I'm not actually with England or France, so disregard everything I just said. I've had a long, stressful day with all this Big Brother stuff going on.
[There...that should work...maybe.]
[god damn it, he knows it's one of you two slimy fucks]
You're a fucking ass.
I beg your pardon, but the man hunting for us is far more of an ass. Your search for us will be futile if that's what you plan on doing, Pays-Bas.
[punches that keypad, punches it good]
And now Canada's in danger, dickface. You're a fucking terrible parent. Both of you
Canada is just fine. In fact, he's sitting right next to me. Do not speak of things you do not know of, it makes you look rather ignorant. I will protect my family as you will protect yours and it seems I'm doing a better job of it than you.
You don't know how this fucker works. Don't call me ignorant. He'll find you and like hell I'm helping you out
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