Has anyone on the meme seen this movie - Cabin by the Lake? It's one of my favorite "horror" movies... well, not sure if I'd call it a horror movie, maybe a dark drama/comedy. It still creeps me out! The sequel isn't half bad, but the first one is definitely better.
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[suddenly, does a handstand and walks through it upside down!]
[now, where is that smiley face?]
[walks right up to you and grabs your ankle. while chuckling]
[wiggles ankle a bit and looks up (down?) at]
Should teach me to do that, it's cool.
[shake shake]
[...oh he said something]
Nope, no error... [wait. freezes and looks around] Other than bein' here. How'd you get here, man?
[still standing, though!]
...Location path unknown.
[and gets distracted musing about mazes and computers]
You don't know, huh. [stretches and puts his hands behind his neck, just...watching you] Guess you don't know how you got here, do ya? Not here, the maze. But here, man.
[processing that for a moment...]
Y. This device is a nation. This device's existence is illogical.
This maze is illogical.
[maybe they should move or something, that patch of bushes is getting boring]
C'mon, let's go.
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