I love the number 166.... I like numbers that are two in a row. And I think I'm sick from heat... maybe I should be more hydrated.
Anywhooo... I hope your weekend is going well so far!
Enjoy part 166! :)
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[oh, hey, you don't look so good]
Oh, hey, barsaarkaar guy! I been meanin' to talk to you! Got delayed though, what with the whole No-Face-stealin'-my-body thing and all.
[said all this cheerfully hopping around on one leg while holding the other one]
[wonders about that, but-- ah, seems like he's got it under control]
Yeah, crazy, huh? I didn't know, either! But this one did. I was stuck like one for three whole days, but another No-Face gave me a couple weird pills to change me back! I think some of 'em know magic.
Magic? Aw, dicks, on top o'bein' Faceless, they're witches, too. It just figures!
An', uh. Speakin' of berserkergang. Ya think yer gonna be up for any heavy fightin' any time soon?
[looks at that leg again]
This? This is an, uh... nothin'! A minor setback! I'll've recovered before you know it! Just gotta' loosen up a little, is all...
[takes a couple steps towards you, then freezes and grits his teeth when the other leg starts to cramp]
[then the second half of what you said penetrates his remarkably solid little head]
...A what?
It's been a coupla decades, and I forgot a lotta stuff about how you get it goin' for the first time, so I been conferrin' with some've my people, and they say there's a few ways t'do it!
Like bein' in a life or death situation!
Like fightin' a bear!
Er... uh... ain't there any other kinda' life-or-death situation I could take up, instead? Do lots of first-time barsaarkaargang guys fight bears?
Iunno? Haven't been an initiate in a real long time. It's one way t'do it, doesn't gotta be the only. Battle's the first thing I could think of.
Really, all ya gotta do's lose yer head.
Like, not lose it, lose it. Just lose it.
[bites the inside of his cheek]
[thinks hard for a few moments, glaring at the floor]
[looks up and grins]
Yeah, that makes sense! Know what? I'll do it! If this barsaarkaargang thing's as good as I remembered, I'll be able to take on a bear no problem!
Yeah, yeah! An' if it works, you'll wind up goin' into the rage, take down that bear, an' you'll have its skin as proof ya did it!
Think yer leg's gonna be okay? 's not from famine or plague or th'like, right?
I'm gonna go into the most furious barsaarkaargang rage you ever seen! People'll make up poems an' songs about me!
An' don't worry, I'm all good! See? [wiggles his leg to show you it's better] It ain't from plague or nothin'... just the No-Face leavin' me without movin' for so long.
Huh, didn't feed me neither, though... kinda' feels like a famine. [reminded of his empty stomach, rummages around in a pocket for a stick of mutton jerky or something]
[item not located]
[oh! uh-- checks his pouch to see]
[ah! yes! there we are, dried meat! he offers some up]
Here, it ain't a whole lot, but it'll tide ya over until somethin' better comes up.
[besides, no need to be thrifty with food reserves now! it's summertiiiiime, and the livin' is easy!]
[mumbles something that might be "thank you" around it]
[keeps chewing and talking]
Man, finally someone in this place has real food! You're the best! Y'know, i really think we got off on the wrong foot earlier.
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