part 164 running children

May 23, 2010 14:57

The ice cream truck is coming down our street!! It's a pink truck! This is so exciting, the first ice cream truck of the year! Ahhh! ... Aaaanyway. I hope your Sunday is going well!

Enjoy part 164! :)


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wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 02:50:07 UTC
[tugs on your cloak, then crosses his arms]

Yeah, I got a question, Daanmark. Been bugging me for a while.


whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 02:57:47 UTC
[turns, but probably not as quickly as he should]


Hey! Arentcha that guy that broke my arm?


wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 03:05:41 UTC
Uh... probably? I know you're the guy that broke my nose!

...Don't really remember much about that fight, though, to tell the truth. But I do remember somethin' pretty interesting...


whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 03:18:07 UTC
Did I?

[can't remember too much of what happened after everything went red, but that doesn't sound too far-fetched at all]

Huh. Guess I did-- hell of a fight, huh? We gotta have a drink some time!

But, uh... you were sayin'?


wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 03:26:23 UTC
Nah, I don't drink. But yeah, speakin' of that fight... like I was sayin'...

[doesn't really realize he's doing it, but strikes a pose like he's fighting, getting worked up as he remembers]

So I was like, I had you in a headlock or something, yeah? An' you were against the wall... but then somethin' happened! I was like, wham-[pantomimes slamming Denmark's invisible head into an invisible wall]-but then all of a sudden, you were like, gwar!-[pulls back and brings his hands up, twisting them into claws]-and then you just went nuts, you know? It was like you were possessed or somethin'!

How'd you do it?


Ack, I'm so sorry! I didn't even realize how slow that last tag was! whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 03:32:48 UTC

[how do you not drink?]

[but-- more importantly, the story. he nods, listening. the pantomime really adds something to it, you know!]

Ya mean th'berserkergang? It's like, uh...

[waves his hands vaguely]

Iunno. Some of my people do it easier than others. Some gotta do it by ceremony 'fore they fight. Others gotta take draughts or th'like ta make it happen. Fer just happens.


Hahaha no problem! Don't worry about it wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 03:40:52 UTC
"baa-seh... kha... gaan"? That what you call it?


[thinking over what he said]

[takes out a piece of sweet dried curd and nibbles on it. To help the thinking process along.]

...Hey, you know if someone could, uh... learn it?


S-still! whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 03:52:35 UTC
[...dude what the hell is that]

[just gonna stare while talking, what with my super special awesome manners]

....uhhhh. Yeah, ber-ser-ker-gang.

's a pretty big deal t'learn how t'do it, yanno. An' not everyone comes outta it doin' so hot! 's a lotta power, but a lotta responsibility. Not just anyone can handle it!


hey, I'm late, too! /consoles wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 03:57:21 UTC
[talking while eating, come on, his manners are just as stellar as yours]

"bar-sahr-khaar-gaan." Gotcha'.

I can handle it! Hey, if anyone could handle it, it'd be me. Power? I was born to be powerful! I can take on anything!


If you're sure! Also, fffff. Iconfail up there, orz whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 04:09:19 UTC
[like two peas in a barbaric pod, these guys!]

Ya don't got any control over yerself when ya go into th'rage, tho'. Ya just fight. Can't feel nothin', and everthing's gone red. Didn't even realize when ya broke my arm, just noticed it wasn't workin' like it was supposed ta.

It's useful, some of tha time, but...

[....then again, he did match him in battle. he really can't say for sure the guy can't handle it]

...ya really wanna know?


but it matches the subject matter! It could be... a flashback, or something! wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 04:19:36 UTC
[whoa holy shit, all this sounds amazing-to not be able to feel any injuries and just keep fighting!? Nibbling on his snack, spellbound; he could be just a normal little kid listening to a beloved uncle tell a delightful little story about magical rabbits or something]

[but, of course, he's not, and it's not.]


Yeah! Bring it! I wanna know!


YES. FLASHBACK. THIS IS WHAT IT WAS. whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 04:32:56 UTC
I think....

I think. We need a drum.

A really big drum.


ooh, bedtime... good-night! Do you want to keep going in this thread tomorrow, or cut? wrath_ofkhan May 25 2010, 04:37:11 UTC
[blank stare]

...A drum? Why would we need a drum?


Sure, have a good one! Hm. We can always have them do the berserkergang lesson in a diff. thread? whatsthehammer May 25 2010, 04:45:04 UTC
Fer the ceremony, duh! Gotta get ya outta yer head first!


don't know if you're here, but part's gonna max soon, and he's anon next part lol- maybe move to dr? wrath_ofkhan May 26 2010, 03:23:44 UTC
Ooh, ceremony! Right! Guess I gotta' do that before I can just... turn it on and off like you.

So what's this ceremony like, man?


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