It's December, so, naturally I've watched about 8 different versions of A Christmas Carol in the past few days. The Muppet Christmas Carol is still my favorite, though. How much better can you get than Kermit the frog as Bob Cratchett? ... not much better, I tell you what. Anyway! AHHHH one more part until part 90. I've probably said it 38974 times
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it's 11:00pm
and i'm on the anon meme
i hate you guys
i just can't resist you, anon
...I'll be waiting for your return.
Now get out of here and do your essays >:|
Also teacher lady what are you even thinking, telling us to write something about a figure from the Middle Ages, "from 800 CE to 1400 CE," and then suggesting Dürer, who was born in 1471...
Best of luck to you, though...
and you, anon!
I also have to study for art history... I'm more worried about that test, to be honest, but it's battling with my pride and unwillingness to not pass my class in world history, a subject I'm actually quite interested in...! ...I'm just unable to write papers in a timely fashion for it...
I'll be waiting to hear of your success!
I wish I could help out someway.
I'll probably post a FREEDOM comment sometime after the art history final on friday, then, aheh
Aww, that's kind of you, anon...! Not sure how you could, though, yeah... I just need to buckle down and WORK, and if I fail I have to accept defeat with humility. And hey, maybe my parents won't kill me, I mean, they'll still remember when I somehow managed to fail reading in seventh grade... it was for a similar problem, too, inability to write book reports in a timely fashion :'\
Zee, please do get to work immediately and show me your discipline. I believe you know what to do.
...e-eh...? '^';;
Y-yes, right away! ;o;7
these three-to-four pages requirements, i hate them. especially when the topic is nothing i personally care about (read: everything relevant to the class)
1. divide each hour into 10min blocks
2. assign tasks to each 10min block (ex. 1 paragraph per 10min)
3. if you finish task early, give yourself the rest of the block to relax on meme
4. if you're late, punish yourself with no break
and ultimately...
always allow yourself at least 50% more time than you think you need for each paper
because fate is cruel, and Things Will Go Wrong
so you may have to sacrifice one paper in order to complete the order satisfactorily. i don't know your teachers, but try begging for an extension from the more lenient one
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