[pair-up post]

Jul 04, 2010 22:40

Before we start:


And now, here it is! The post that you’ve all been waiting for; the pair-up post! /o/

We currently have received 40 drafts and 44 summaries from the writers and there are 43 artists signed up for this round, such awesome numbers considering this is the first time a minibang challenge has been hosted for Hetalia fandom. Under this cut, there’s a list of anonymous summaries where the artists can choose the top three stories they want to illustrate the most. We will then assign you the story that’s still available for you.

For writers who also have signed up as artists, remember that you cannot choose your own story. Also, if by any chance we missed it, and your summary isn’t included or there’s any mistake, please inform us immediately.

Artists, please claim your choices by using the form here. There are plenty of stories to choose from, make your decision wisely. =D

LJ Username:
Choices: Choose your top three stories; it's a first come first serve basis, so you might not always get your top choice.
1. (put the number and title of the story you preferred the most)

Example, it should look like this:
LJ Username:coconabanana
1. [01] A thousand times good night
2. [20] The Morning Outside
3. [05] Don't Talk to strangers

The emails detailing your story assignments; who the writer is, how you can contact them, and the story itself, will be sent on July 10th as stated in the timeline. You will then have almost 2 months to finish your assignments! Remember, the final deadline for the submission is by September 19th, so make sure to use your time well.

Thank you for your attention and without further ado, choose your story! Let’s get the party wilder! /o/

Title: A Thousand Times Good Night
Character(s) : focuses mainly on England and America; with the side characters: France, Lithuania, Hungary, Prussia, Canada, and Belarus, also the others make a small appearance along side.
Pairing(s): England/America, implied others
Rating: R-15 (or, perhaps, NC-17)
Warning: DRAMA AND ANGST (in caps), human names, mature themes, language, adultery, some sexual content, some violence, implied drug use (not by the main characters though)
Summary: Rentboy!AU. Arthur Kirkland is a top notch financial manager on a business trip in the U.S. of A. Leaving his newly wedded wife in England, he has to pack his suitcase and stay in New York for a month. He didn’t really expect to enjoy his stay there, not when he has to deal with a pervert manager (who’s a Frenchman), his worrywart assistant, and a weird temporary secretary. He also didn’t expect to meet a young man with smile as bright as the sun, dashing blue eyes and golden tresses-he could’ve mistook him for an angel if not for what the young man does for a living, trapped within this angel’s snare, jump head first into a world he had only heard of, and betray the one he has sworn to love forever. It is adultery, it is a scandal, it is wrong in every kind of way; it is something he had never dreamt of doing. But alas, he’s just a man in love.

Good night, good night, Mr.Kirkland. Parting is such sweet sorrow. That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Title: I Wish You Would Go Away
Character(s): England, America, Japan, Germany, Canada
Pairing(s): US/UK, Japan/England, Germany/England, onesided Canada/England
Rating: R
Warning: Fade to black sex, language
Summary: Frustrated in his relationship with America, England sometimes wishes there was a way to make him disappear forever and find a normal boyfriend. Japan and Germany have the solution to England's problem. How convenient.

Title: The November Knights of Tannenburg
Character(s): Poland, Lithuania, Russia, America, Hungary, Prussia…actually, pretty much everyone.
Pairing(s): PolandxLithuania main, hinted/mentioned: SuFin, USUK, RoChu, PruHunAus, many others.
Rating: M for later chapters
Warning: Sexual content, swearing, transvestites and discussions of sexuality. Boarding school AU
Feliks and Toris have been going out since the beginning of the school year, but they are both dealing with some deep secrets. Feliks is coming out to his school as a transvestite, and Toris is being haunted by past abuse by his ex-lover Ivan. When the school play, Cinderella, rolls around, Feliks thinks it is the perfect time to "come out" and proceeds to audition...for Cinderella... and continues to wear dresses around the school. He and Toris must deal with fallout from the student body, especially violence from Gilbert, the pair's arch-nemesis from middle school. They must also deal with Toris' increasing anxiety and fear of intimacy, not to mention find a TOTALLY FABULOUS costume for the Halloween ball! Good thing they have each other; together, the "Commonwealth" can surmount everything.

Title: Playground
Character(s): Germany, Veneziano, America, England, Sealand, Latvia (and eventually Prussia and Hungary)
Pairing(s): Austria/Hungary will be implied but not seen
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Sitting across from the Nations' adopted office building is a playground. After things get heated during a morning meeting, a break is called. Veneziano drags Germany out to the playground where they have fun on the swings. America and England show up and they migrate over to the slide. Veneziano lets his fear of England become too much, and Germany decides it would be best to go for lunch, leaving America and England behind, with England on the slide. England comes to the realization that the universe hates him when it is revealed that Sealand and Latvia saw his not-so-very-graceful landing at the bottom of the slide. After America charms two police officers, the group heads over to the merry-go-round with America promising England that they will leave afterwards. True to his word, America leaves with England, and Sealand and Latvia now have the playground to themselves...that is, until Prussia drags Hungary over.

Title: Don't Talk To Strangers
Character(s): Main: America and Canada Minor [meaning they either have a very small role or are mentioned a few times]: France, England, Prussia, Spain, South Korea, Greece, Australia, Turkey, Lithuania, North Italy, South Italy, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Latvia, Denmark, Switzerland, Belarus, Norway, Iceland, Ukraine, Belgium, New Zealand, Estonia, Liechtenstein, and Netherlands
Pairing(s): AmeriCana is the main pairing with some small side pairings.
Rating: T for swearing, mature content and implied sex
Warning: Er... swearing? Implied sex?
Summary: AU, Human names used. After successfully winning the Basketball tournament, Alfred and his team sneak into a local club to celebrate. While drunk, Alfred makes the mistake of sleeping with Francis Bonnefoy, a much older man... who happens to be the father of Alfred's crush, Matthew. Now Alfred has to figure out how to get back into Matthew's good books or risk never getting the boy of his dreams

Title: The Longest Road
Character(s): Canada, America, Mexico (OC)
Pairing(s): Canada/America (brotherly and otherwise)
Rating: R (I think it will be anyways.)
Warning: Future AU, Original character(s), twincest
Summary: In the future, North Korea launches a war that will re-shape the world. The United States and Canada, wrecked by nuclear attacks and plague, fall into chaos. Now, almost two decades later, people have started to turn to some of the few governmental institutions to have survived - those of the native peoples of those lands. Led by the boy from a 400-year old prophecy, they will need to carve out a new future for themselves. And Matthew and Alfred, the nations of Canada and the United States of America, will need to do the same

Title: the morning after tomorrow
Character(s): England, France, Spain, mention of America
Pairing(s): implied England/America; otherwise: none
Rating: pg-13
Warning: apathy.
Summary: human!AU. 1920s. Arthur Kirkland is just a disillusioned war veteran, Antonio Carriedo Fernandez is just a revolutionary on the run, and
Francis Bonnefoy is just there for the ride. [But they are all still looking.]

Title: Some Things Are Beyond Forever
Character(s): America and England
Pairing(s): America/England
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: The pocket watch was merely a cheap imitation, a poor substitute after he had thrown away the real thing-the one which England had given him-in rage, hatred, and sadness. And perhaps it was the perfect metaphor for his relationship with England. He had broken the bond between them in betrayal, revolution, and blood, so they were stuck with the cheap imitation, the poor substitute of what they had once been in the past.

But can they, somewhat, turn the so-called ‘imitation’ to be better than the real thing? Can they, together, achieve that?

Title: L'amour sera convulsif
Character(s): Francis, Arthur, Matthew, Alfred, Gilbert
Pairing(s): Francis/Arthur
Rating: T/M (still undecided about that)
Warning: sexual innuendos. Lots of.
Summary: Arthur is a teenager, a rebellious one, the kind of guy who hangs around in the streets, one fist ready to fight while the other hand holds a poetry book. One day, he had the misfortune to meet the teacher who greatly pissed him off during one of his highschool exams.

Title: Inferno
Characters: Mainly Prussia and Romano, with various appearances from America, England, France, Spain, Germany, Veneziano, Hungary, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Austria.
Pairings: PrussiaxHungary, SpainxRomano, possibly developing PrussiaxRomano
Rating: T+ (If such a thing exists)
Warnings: Possibly disturbing imagery, religious themes, and sexual themes. Some OOC-ness might also occur
Summary: Where do nations go when they die? Do they simply just vanish without a trace? Is there an afterlife for their kind at all?

After the second World War, Prussia is sentenced to death. Not wishing to spend the last moments of his life humiliated (Because being killed off for something you didn't want to do is NOT awesome), he opts for suicide instead. But the afterlife doesn't take too kindly to those who wish to selfishly take their own life, and as a result, he is sent to hell. There, he finds Romano, having died after the Italian reunification (Since only one Italy can remain, and Romano just happened to hold the shortest end of the stick). He was sent to hell because of his lust for his former caretaker, Spain (Which lead to some serious consequences).

In hell, they are forced to watch the ones still on Earth, alive, while they themselves receive their punishment. Yet despite the pain they both have to endure for eternity, Prussia and Romano manage to grow closer to each other. And both believe that one day, they'd somehow be saved... except that day is never going to happen.

Title: A Weary Strength (TBA)
Character(s): Hungary (Elizaveta), Prussia (Gilbert), and brief mentions of other characters
Pairings(s): Prussia x Hungary
Rating: PG-13/TEEN
Warning: Violence, Brutality, yet Romance
Summary: World War II entered its final days in 1945. Battle torn and deeply wounded countries seek comfort in the hope for peace. With the Allies victorious, little chance for reconciliation is open for Soviet dominated countries such as the Eastern Bloc, including East Germany and Hungary. Gilbert leaves Elizaveta with just a key and a locket. This key, however, opens three things and Elizaveta must be strong enough to fight her way through the war’s aftermath which is sometimes tougher than the war itself.

Title: Days of our Lives (temporary)
Character(s): Spain, Romano, mentions of Italy, Germany, Japan, America.
Pairing(s): Spain/Romano
Rating: PG-14
Warning: Language, implied sexual situations, mentioned violence.
Summary: The years change, the people grow, the only thing that remains a constant is the apple orchard.

Title: Remembrance
Character(s): France, England, Jeanne d'Arc, assorted humans
Rating: T
Warning: Language
Summary: It's a cold day in Lyon and France sits at the edge of the Rhône, just waiting quietly. And thinking. Remembering. Failure is harsh but victory is sometimes no better. She was so young. And France tries to remember, but- failure. Failure. How can a word so beautiful be so painful (how can a name so beautiful-jeanne-be so painful)?

Title: In the Air
Character(s): France, England, Canada, America, Russia, Hungary, Prussia, Austria. Brief cameos by: Spain, Romano, Veneziano, Germany. Mentions of: Belarus, Ukraine, Rome, Germania.
Pairing(s): starts off with onesided Canada ? France, onesided Prussia ? Hungary, Austria/Hungary, US/UK and mentioned onesided Belarus ? Russia. Ends with France/UK, Russia/America, Prussia/Canada, Austria/Hungary. mentioned Spain/Romano, Germany/Italy, and Rome/Germania.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Human names used, mentions of sex, France.
Summary: Arthur's happy in his relationship with Alfred, but he wonders sometimes if there's more to life than seeing your lover every once in a while, even when you live together. Alfred's obsession with work is ruining their relationship. When he meets Francis Bonnefoy at his new workplace, sparks fly and Arthur's life is changed irrevocably.

Title: Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche. (Tonight I can write the saddest lines)
Character(s): Spain (Antonio) Netherlands (Vincent) Prussia (Gilbert) France (Francis)
Pairing(s): bit of Spain/Netherlands
Warning: Kicks to History books (XP) and swearings
Summary:It is said that dogs look like their owners. In Vincent's opinion, books look like their nations. Don Quixote would be the best example to identify Spain. Don Quixote is, without doubt, the story of how somebody sees how every single dream and hope fall down after clashing with the reality and passage of time. Thus that's the reason Netherlands thinks Cervantes became so famous, Because he was the only one who could show the Spain of "The Golden Age"

Title: How to be a Hero
Character(s): America, Canada
Pairing(s): None; it's just brotherly stuff
Rating: PG-ish
Warning: None that I can think of.
Summary: The weather is dreadful, and Canada is depressed. He's burnt out and tired and nothing seems to matter. As such, America's heroic efforts confuse the hell out of him. It's going to be a long and dreary night, and America's determined to prove to his brother that it's not so foolish to want to change the world - not as nations, but as human beings.

Title: Clockwise
Character(s): England, young America: Arthur and Alfred
Pairing(s): England/America
Rating: G
Warning: Mild cursing, bending a bit of History and British-fail
Summary: The Victorian era sweeps the nation as England began to industrialize and shift from the feudal system to a time of gears and machinery. Arthur is high-class gentleman who works his whole life at a fast pace, unwavering, torturous pace. Due to that, he rarely leaves the house or talks to anyone due to his obsessive workaholic/alcoholic complex. Then he meets a young American boy who apparently was lost cargo in a ship. Their personalities contrast, enough for Arthur to perceive things differently. During their short period together, they both learn what the essence of time really means.

Title: Wednesday's Child - (A Fable)
Character(s): Sealand, England, America, Hungary, Prussia, China, N. Italy, S. Italy, Belarus, Germany, others
Pairing(s): No primary pairings. Secondary/Implied pairings are US/UK and Austria/Hungary
Rating: PG (possibly PG-13)
Warning: Human AU, fantasy, a couple of swear words.
Summary: Young Peter Kirkland is frustrated with his mundane life until a stranger shows up and promises to take him away to a place where he can have everything he's ever dreamed of. Unfortunately for him, the price of paradise may prove higher than he can pay - it might even cost him his life, unless he can discover a way to outwit the mysterious "Master" and win his freedom back

Title: Of Vending Machines and Nightclubs
Character(s): Spain, Romano, France, Prussia, Italy
Pairing(s): Spain/Romano (probably implied Germany/Italy)
Rating: R15
Warning: Romano's swearing (I'm not yet sure but there might be very very implied smut. Not yet sure though, but yeah.
Summary: AU (Human names used); Lovino Vargas is a fine-arts student struggling to keep up with the pressure of having a world-famous Italian landscape artist as his younger brother and spends his free time by flirting with girls. Antonio Fernandez Carriedo is a currently jobless man who takes life one step at a time and enjoys living in the present. A chance meeting by a vending machine one winter night leads to another and to another until they form an unlikely friendship. One day, Antonio is offered a job as a bartender at his friend's bar and he asks Lovino to work with him there. As they begin to spend more time together, Lovino begins to learn more about himself and about his feelings for Antonio. But will he be able to accept them?

Title: The Morning, Outside
Characters: from APH: England, mentions of France, America and Canada (for now); from Doctor Who: the Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Nancy, Jamie; plus a bunch of secondary characters who will probably not be given any names and/or will not be given more than a few scenes.
Pairings: mostly England gen; hints at FrUK, Doctor/Rose(/Jack) and Jack/EVERYONE, if you like to squint.
Rating: PG-13, unless something drastic happens between now and the final draft.
Warning: None. Well… Jack being Jack.
Summary: Crossover with Doctor Who’s double episode The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. There are new faeries in London Town…

Title: The Six Degrees of Separation
Character(s): Greece, Egypt, Japan, Turkey, France, England, America, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Sealand, North and South Italy, Russia, Germany, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, China, South Korea <--hopefully, if I don’t decide to exclude some of them
Pairing(s): France/England, Turkey/Japan, Germany/North Italy, Spain/South Italy, Lithuania/Poland, etc. etc. depending on the flow of the story ;A;
Rating: G as of now
Warning: AU, human names, shifting POVs, language shifts (which I really hope people won’t get confused by)
Summary: It’s exactly as the title suggests. The story starts with Herakles and Hassan working in a fruit shake stand in southern Osaka. They meet Kiku, who’s the teacher of Alfred and Matthew, who are the children of Arthur. Sadiq is Arthur’s colleague, who develops the hots for Kiku. Herakles is not amused. Francis is Arthur’s baker friend who helped him one time when Alfred and Matthew got lost in Osaka. Francis is friends with Antonio, who owns a dance studio. He’s had a rough relationship with Lovino, who works in a bar Arthur frequents. Lovino’s brother Feliciano and his boyfriend Ludwig come and visit from Europe, because Feli was Kiku’s classmate and more things happen.

Basically, it’s a fic where everyone’s connected to one another. The point is, the connections existing and the connections made, though seemingly coincidental, will affect the lives of people tied to them, for the better of course. By better, I mean some characters here are going to have a brighter outlook in life. Most of them will find their significant others, or rekindle old flames, or help others do that. Some will fix family issues.

Title: Searching for Atlantis
Character(s): America, England, Belarus, Romano.
Pairing(s): France/England, Belarus->Russia. Eventual America/Belarus, Spain/Romano.
Rating: PG-13? I'm never very good with ratings.
Warning: AU, road trip.
Summary: Alfred Jones wants to find his real parents. Arthur Kirkland would like to find some form of employment. Natalia Alfroskaya needs to get away. The solution: a road trip to California. Along the way they meet a mysterious hitchhiker called Romano and his problems, as well as discover what exactly utopia means to each of them.

Title: The Goldilocks Principle
Character(s): America, England, characters from The Enchanted Wood: Joe, Beth, Frannie, the Three Bears, and minor appearances from other characters
Pairing(s): Hints at America/England
Warning: None.
Summary: Crossover with Enid Blyton's 'The Enchanted Wood'. America drops by England's place for a visit, only to find the other nation absent from his house, and a note that, cryptically enough, says 'The Wood is back. Bring the toffee for old Moon-Face'. Deciding to go search for this Wood (and England while he's at it), America finds himself in a whole different world, where the rabbits talk back to you and the oldest tree in the world reaches to far-away places. Guided by three young children who treat the Wood as their second home, America is forced to rethink his belief (or lack of) in the Fair Folk, especially as it proves to be the key to locating England...

Title: Untitled (as of yet)
Character(s): Germany, Italy; probably Romano and Prussia too
Pairing(s): Germany/Italy
Rating: PG to PG-13
Warning: possible language and themes; AU
Summary: It's an AU, Germany-centric. Germany and Italy attend the same university, and they become unintentional best friends. It has a lot to do with Germany's character, particularly his tendency to organize everything (every thought, action, etc.) in his life, and his general nature; his character contrasts with Italy's sunny chaos. I suppose you could call it a character study, maybe. Another point that I think might be useful to the artist is that it takes place in wintertime, and in a city (probably NY, but I haven't smoothed out the details yet).

Title: Why Can't We All Be Honest?
Character(s): Arthur Kirkland, Alfred F Jones, Romano, Antonio
Pairing(s): USUKUS, Spamano
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Parody of all sorts-kinda. Fluff, crack and a huge heaping of KY.
Summary: To put it in Arthur Kirkaland's terms, it was ‘No-who would like that damn idiot!? It’s not like I enjoy his company every time he comes by-Alfred Jones is by far the most annoying idiotic prat who has absolutely no respect for the student council president and scones!”
To put in layman terms, he was in love.
(Not like he was going to tell that idiot-it's not as if Alfred knows and likes him back that way, right?)
Antonio, on the other hand, has absolutely no problem saying those three words at all-only that Romano isn't sure whether he could control himself himself not to strangle the seemingly oblivious spainard if he says it one more time.
("Don't say it when you don't mean it that way, you idiot...")
[It's just a little, tiny tale.]

Title: Funeral Pyre (working title)
Character(s): America, G-8 and most of the main cast.
Pairing(s): America/Russia hinted, later Prussia/Canada hinted, France/England, Germany/Italy
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Burning of books. Character death.
Summary: “There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up. He must have been first cousin to Man. But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again.” - Granger, Fahrenheit 451

Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 from America’s perspective. Censorship in a democracy only exists by consent of the governed. When America’s people turn away from books, toss them into the flames with their own hands and denounce individual thought in unity, he loses himself in kerosene, technology, consumption, and the gentle thrum of Seashell earbuds piping him mindless music and advertisements 24/7. But clarity sometimes comes too late, illumination of decay will lead to madness, and fire renders all sins irrelevant.

Title: Into the Wild Green Yonder
Character(s): England, America, Prussia, Canada, minor OCs
Pairing(s): US/UK, Prussia/Canada
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Human names used. Language, violence, and sex
Summary: AU. Arthur Kirkland is a Victorian English blueblood on the verge of bankruptcy when a distant relative in America dies, bequeathing Arthur all of his worldly possessions. Now in charge of a two thousand heads of cattle, Arthur must find a team to drive the herd north to Cheyenne from San Antonio. Unfortunately for Arthur, he’s two weeks behind the game and the best men he can find is a stable boy, a drunken rodeo star, and a half Native American cowboy. If Arthur had known things were going to be this difficult, he would have stayed in London

Title: Fear Itself
Character(s): America, England
Pairing(s): None
Rating: T
Warning: None
Summary: An episodic story. Each chapter focuses on a different time in history when America was wracked by fear. In every case, however, his fear generally makes him more dangerous than the thing that threatens him.

Title: No Man’s Land (working title)
Character(s): Matthew, Arthur, Alfred, Francis
Pairing(s): eventual Alfred/Arthur, (possible) hinted Francis/Matthew
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Use of human nation names
Summary: A comment by Francis about Arthur “pining over Alfred for long enough” prompts Arthur after some thought to try to move on to forge a stronger relationship - as friends rather than a one-sided love - with Alfred. Arthur confides in Matt his plan to stop treating Alfred (the individual, not the nation, that is) as special. Matt, who strongly suspects/knows about Al’s feelings, decides to back Arthur anyway (by non-interference), mainly because Arthur seemed truly serious about his decision. Over the next few months, Arthur draws back somewhat (for example - calmly pointing out the flaws in Al’s world conference plans instead of getting into raging fights with the other nation, trying not to overreact when others tease about the problems with the special relationship, etc), prompting Al to turn to Matt over Arthur’s really weird attitude, because, well, Alfred doesn’t know if he likes the new way Arthur’s been treating him or not, and Arthur’s not giving him any answers despite the many times Al’s confronted him about it. Matt listens and watches, and waits for something to give.

Basically - a view of the US/UK dance around each other mainly from Matt’s point of view.

Title: The Double Edged Lock
Character(s): Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany), Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia), Lovino Vargas (S.Italy), Feliciano Vargas (N. Italy)
Pairing(s): Ludwig/Lovino, one-sided Feliciano/Ludwig, one-sided Gilbert/Feliciano, then will turn into, probably Ludwig/Lovino/Feliciano
Rating: M (for not yet written smut)
Warning: M/M Smut (smex)
Summary: Ludwig Beilschmidt realises a lot of things in his life had been locked away. Who has the key to bring all the light in?

Title: Fighting Dreamers
Character(s): America, Australia
Pairing(s): Australia/America
Rating: G
Warning: None.
Summary: Little America wants nothing more than a grand adventure to call his own, just like those in England's bedtime stories. However, a strange young boy from the wilderness teaches him that not all fairy tales have a happy ending.

Title: Please Come Back Home
Character(s): Romano, Prussia, Hungary, Austria, Italy and possibly Germany and Spain
Pairing(s): Prussia/Hungary and Austria/Hungary
Rating: T
Warning: Drinking, language, and domestic violence
Summary: AU. Elizaveta and Gilbert are married with two sons, the older son Lovino and a younger son Feliciano. Gilbert is a firefighter and is frequently away from home at the station. He’s a big part of his children’s lives until, during one fire, he fails to rescue everyone in the burning building. He turns to drinking and is home less and less. Gilbert and Elizaveta get into a really big argument, and Gilbert moves out of the house into his own apartment. Lovino sees very little of his father and waits for calls instead. Both his parents are getting a divorce. Gilbert stops calling often, but Lovino hates the phone calls anyway. By the time he’s in high school, he feels totally lost, especially now that his mom has a new boyfriend, Roderich, who he doesn’t like at all. He completely loses it one day and confronts Gilbert and the fact that he’s been a pretty messed up father all of these years, wondering what’s happened to their old family ways. Gilbert, remorseful, tries to integrate himself back into his children’s lives.

Title: Another Gilded Age
Characters: England, America, France, misc.
Pairing(s): Former UKUSUK; eventual FrUK
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Sex (of a hopefully-artsy nature), illegal substance abuse (LSD), coarse language
Summary: England is good at pretending that nothing’s changed. He’s gotten used to it beside America. And while they go their separate ways, he’s still tracing America’s footsteps. He’s still clinging to their Relationship, even while the other moves forward. All he’s left with is memories - memories warped by Lucy, the lovely Sunshine-on-Paper that keeps him feeling good. England is good at pretending that things can last forever, and that bliss taken from the hands of a Dealer can ever be good.

Title: Love Me When The World Ends
Character(s): most of the cast
Pairing(s): Francis/Arthur
Rating: PG-13 (for now?)
Warning: none for now
Summary: Nobody remembered how the world ended. But all Francis remembered, was that he once loved Arthur Kirkland. And he was going to try his best to get the other to fall in love with him again in this new life. [semi-AU Gakuen Hetalia fic]

Title: The Great Race
Character(s): America, England, France, assorted others
Pairing(s): gen
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Summary: Steampunk AU; England is setting out to invent the world’s first airship (and rubber bands). America is setting out to prove him wrong, and create a practical wireless radiotelegraphy system. And France is out to generally annoy them both.

Title: Watch Us Spin
Character(s) : Matthew, Alfred, Francis, Seychelles, misc. others
Pairing(s) : (main) Matthew/Alfred, (implied) Francis/Jean, Matthew/others
Rating: T
Warning: potentially some language
Summary: The first time Matthew meets Alfred, he is a seven year old hiding from bullies in a tree. The second time he meets Alfred, he is four years older-and Alfred is the same young adult. But then again, Alfred isn’t exactly human, so it’s not all that surprising. Now finding out that it’s an angel popping in and out of his (/his/, Matthew “Door-Matt” Bonnefoy’s) life? That’s surprising. And realizing he’s probably more than sort of in love with said angel? …That’s just mortifying. (Essentially it boils down to Matthew growing up and falling in love with a man who happens to be an angel from his future, and who also happens to be wandering through Matthew’s timeline…for legitimate, valid and completely not-accidental reasons, of course. Seriously. Matthew’s future may depend on it.)

Title: And Winter Again
Character(s): France, Spain, with very tentative appearances but most likely occuring mentions of Austria, England, Netherlands, Prussia, and etc.
Pairing(s): France/Spain if you squint
Rating: T
Warning: History, vague use of actual events in history, mentions of historical figures
Summary: The Spanish succession crisis reaches the inevitable war that they all but knew. Spain remains as amiably distant as if he were the enemy, not the battle. And as it rages on, France once again contemplates how much friendship does not work for them, but can not see a solution either.

Title: The Radio Show
Character(s): Main- England, America. Minor but important- Japan, France, China, Canada, Prussia, N./S. Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sealand, Korea, Switzerland. Minor- most everybody else
Pairing(s): None
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None
Summary: America has discovered a special frequency only the Nations can hear, and decides to make a Radio Show. However, when it's picked up and investigated by humans, the secret of their existence is threatened, and it's up to the Newspapers to shut. Him. Down.

Title: With a Side of Fries
Character(s): France, England, S.Italy, Spain, N.Italy, China and various other characters.
Warning: AU, suggestive dialogue and adult language, sexuality and copious amounts of food references
Summary: Restaurant AU. For years, France's restaurant flourished until new management takes over the restaurant across the street, sparking a competition between the two.

Title: Caged Emotions
Character(s): Russia. China. America. More to come.
Pairing(s): RussiaxChina.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Gakuen.
Summary: Yao was a huge enigma for Ivan. There was a mysterious air about him, that Ivan couldn’t help, but be attracted to. Too bad Yao wanted nothing to do with him.

Title: Untitled
Character(s): Iceland, Norway
Pairing(s): none romantically speaking
Rating: PG/ possibly PG-13
Warning: May contain mild violence, and neglect.
Summary: Iceland has always felt as though he lived in Norway’s shadow; While some countries, such as America, may have overlooked Norway as much as they did him, most people at least acknowledged Norway in a room of people. The only time Iceland was acknowledged was when something had gone wrong. Yet despite his growing frustration and temper towards his older brother, he can’t help but fall back in to step behind him and follow obediently. He wants to assert himself against Norway, but fighting with Norway was worse than fighting with a brick wall; at least the brick wall didn’t move out of the way when you tried to punch it.

Title: Seasons
Character(s): Lithuania, Poland, mentions of a variety of other characters
Pairing(s): Lithuania/Poland
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Light references to smut, and violence but nothing graphic
Summary: Poland and Lithuania take a break from their everyday lives one autumn evening, and venture out to see the falling leaves. As they watch them fall, they think of the journey they've been through, and how now they're in the autumn of their lives.

Title: I'm Not Okay
Character(s): Italy, Romano, Spain, Germany, Prussia, Japan, America, Canada, England, France, Russia, China, mentions/appearances by others.
Pairing(s): Germany/Italy, France/England, Spain/Romano, Prussia/Canada, Russia/China if squint.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: High school AU, human names, length, POV switches, language, violence, blood, threatening, physical abuse, character death, parallels to historical events (WWII), overuse of foreign words, America is described as a racistic, homophobic bastard. Also loosely based on this song and MV (hence the name).
Summary: Alfred F. Jones has always had a problem with foreigners; he feels like they're just soiling his perfect country of America. However, when he's forced to attend to Benjamin Jones International High School he has to interact with idiotic foreigners every single day, while he just wants them to get the hell out. In his class, however, he finds his ultimate target; the Italian Feliciano Vargas. Alfred starts to form a gang, an alliance, with his goal to drive Feliciano and his German boyfriend Ludwig Beilschmidt out of the school. Feliciano soon finds himself as the leader of his own gang in a never-ending gang fight, while he actually only wishes for everyone to just get along and be friends. However, things are going more and more insane, and it seems like someone has to be driven out, or even get killed, before anything can possibly come to an end.

Title: The Fall of Taguria
Character(s): England, Canada, America, cameos of other countries like Russia and Belarus
Pairing(s): N/A
Rating: T
Warning: Death
Summary: Arthur finds a mysterious book containing details about how nations die, and that they can 'rest' if they are killed, as long as they have made a personal impact. Matthew, however, doesn't go to the same place as the other nations...


year: 2010, #pair-up

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