Title: "Regione Campania (Campania, Principato di Salerno, Ducato/Repubblica di Amalfi)"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: This takes part to the project:
Draw your Chibi Italian region.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Character profile for Campania.
Regione Campania
Regione Campania - Principato di Salerno
Regione Campania - Ducato/Repubblica di Amalfi
Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
Of course there's a lot more to say about Campania... but I didn't have that much space... ^_-
Funny enough, despite all his problem Campania is the region with the lowest suicide rate.
Foreigners tend to think Neapolitan songs = Italian songs. The idea spreaded so much that foreigners that go in Venice ask the gondolier to sing Neapolitan songs instead than Venetian songs. Veneto, that as all his northern siblings has a business mentality, has apparently organized things so turists can have what they asked for. Sure thing, Neapolitan songs ARE BEAUTIFUL however keep in mind each Italian region has its own type of music and Veneziano is more likely going to sing something like 'Piemontesina bella' and 'Qui Comando Io' (both from Piedmont), 'O mia bela Madunnina' and 'L'uselin de la comare' (both from Lombardy), 'Saluta Zena' and 'Trilli trilli' (both from Liguria) and, since I know when you think at Veneziano you think at Venice/Veneto, 'Inno al Veneto', 'Via Col Veneto', 'Venessiani gran signori', 'Viva Venezia Viva San Marco' (all songs from Veneto).
If you want a song that's sung by both Veneziano and Romano in their respective dialects you can try 'La Balilla'. Lombardy, Piedmont, Campania, Lazio, Sicily and Tuscany all have their own version sung in their own dialects of this song... and it's possible there are more versions in other dialects...
Also you probably don't know this but Campania is responsible for writing the song 'La Leggenda Del Piave' a WW1 song that describes WW1 on the Italian front from the start to Caporetto to the victory. It was a very important song for Italy, so important it was considered to use it as Italian hymn or to ask its author to write one. When its author turned the proposition down it was chosen 'Il canto degli Italiani', the actual hymn.
The song 'La Leggenda Del Piave', although being old and patriottic is rather nice.
As far as I'm involved, although Campania, as a region, had birth in 1947, as a Hetalia character he has been living for a much longer time and therefore he's much more older.
If you ask me his human name is Antonio (like Antonio Focas Flavio Angelo Ducas Comneno De Curtis di Bisanzio Gagliardi, or simply Antonio De Curtis better known as Totò) while his pet fox is named Eduardo (like Eduardo De Filippo).
Principato di Salerno's human name is Mara (like Mara Carfagna) while her pet swordfish is named Siconolfo (like prince Siconolfo di Salerno).
Ducato di Amalfi's human name is Andrea (like S. Andrea).
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