Title: "Festa Del Tricolore 2011"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: Seborga was added because he's still part of Italy so far.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Veneziano, Romano & Seborga celebrating the 'Festa del Tricolore'.
150 years under the same flag!
Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
This year Italy celebrates the fact it's whole by 150 years! The 'Festa del Tricolore' the day in which is celebrated the Italian flag (the Tricolore) has been chosen as starting date to start the celebrations. Also, to celebrate it, this year the majors of the three cities that are or had been capitals of Italy shaked hands and received a copy of the first italian Tricolore.
For more historical notes about the 'Festa Del Tricolore' you can check this post. It's the one I did the past year and it contains all the historical notes you might wish to know.