Title: "Regional strips 08: Who knows Lazio's job?"
Author: J.J.
Warning: I might have failed in portraying correctly the regions involved. If that's the case just tell me. Those were done out of love for the Italian regions, not with the intent to offend someone.
Notes: After drawing the characterization for the Italian regions I ended up having ideas for them and drawing LOT of strips about them so... here there's one. It's nowhere near to the APH standards but well, I'm not Himaruya-san...
Characters: North Italy Veneziano (Feliciano Vargas), South Italy Romano (Lovino Vargas), Lazio (Lucio Vargas)
Time: Modern time.
Disclaimer: "Axis Powers Hetalia" belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Hey, do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok? Oh and the representation of the Italian regions are mine as well
Summary: Lazio tries to have the Italies aknowledging his importance.
Regional strips 01: Meet Lombardia! Regional strips 02: Magical Sicilia Regional strips 03: Molise's fight Regional strips 04: Seborga's boss, Liguria Regional strips 05: Basilicata? Who would he be? Regional strips 06: Basilicata And "That Guy" Regional strips 07: Talk About Yourself, Valle d'Aosta! New:
What inspired this
As Lazio's city, Roma, is Italy's capital, in my headcanon Lazio is somewhat the leader of the regions. However many other Italian cities have a huge importance, in fact 14 of them are called noble cities because they were capital of kingdoms or duchy and such (you can see them represented in the Vittoriano) and actually there are more only not so important.
That's why the Italies can go and pretend the role of the leader was handed to someone else... (though really it's difficult to compete with Rome).
Now, if there's a thing I totally love it's the creative way in which people from Lazio talk, threaten and curse and I'm not the only one as in the net there are webs devoted to collect their best quotes. It seems they use such expressions even when they don't aim at hurting your feelings, that among them it's just that common so I took advantage of the existence of other candidates to the leadership to write a story in which Lazio would use his creative expressions... *sighs* sadly they don't sound as funny in English as they were in the original Romanesco language but well, I tried... -_-
Lazio's proverb of the day
Pazienza, vita mia, si paghi pena; annerà pè quann'hai fatta vita bona.
Pazienza, se adesso soffri: paga per quando sei vissuto bene.
Be patient if now you're suffering: you're paying for when you were having a good life.
Alberto Sordi - E Va, E Va
A Lazio's funny song sung by Alberto Sordi. It seemed somehow fitting for this strip as it has some fitting jokes.
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