I'm just going to dump some emotions

Dec 02, 2016 03:01

My Aunt Eileen has lung cancer and the timeline they are giving her so far is not good. I am having a lot of trouble dealing with this for many reasons ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

kitmerlot1213 December 2 2016, 14:04:27 UTC
First, I'm sorry for the pain you and your family are going through. Watching people you love suffer is the worst and I'm sorry this happening to your aunt.

And second, I think you are going through a crisis of faith and more importantly, you are going through the stages of grief. Do not think you're losing your faith--you're just going through a rough patch.

I will add you and your aunt to my prayers, and again, I'm sorry this is all happening. *HUGS*


apeygirl December 2 2016, 21:19:56 UTC
Thanks. I really do want my faith intact, but I'm just having trouble right now. I hope that changes.


firebunny December 2 2016, 19:57:38 UTC
I understand how you feel, the anger and the grief and the just plain uselessness of it all right now.

It's ok to think about yourself and how your aunt's illness affects you, because it does affect you. It's also ok to feel guilty about thinking about yourself. In fact, none of the thoughts and emotions you've expressed here seem out of line.

I'm sorry you have to go through this and I'm sending you a cyber hug.


apeygirl December 2 2016, 21:17:25 UTC
Thanks so much. I'm sending one back to you because I just read your entry on what you are going through. I'm so sorry your mother and your family is dealing with this, especially after having gone through it before. I hate cancer so damned much. I really hope this month is better for us. Because I can barely find anything in November that salvages the shitshow it was on so many levels, both personally and nationwide. It has to get better because I don't think I can handle any more.


marikology December 5 2016, 23:23:22 UTC
I agree with Firebunny. don't apologize for your feelings.


frelling_tralk December 3 2016, 13:32:18 UTC
I'm really sorry about your aunt *hugs*


apeygirl December 8 2016, 08:22:44 UTC
Thanks. trying to learn to live with this reality, but it's not easy.


marikology December 5 2016, 23:22:17 UTC
I'm sorry to hear about your aunt.

I really reasonate with what you said about losing faith. I just wrote a long, super-personal diatribe on this comment, but I deleted it... wrong time and place... I'll save it for my own journal. In any case, I feel you on the hopelessness. but I hope your aunt has lots of treatment options and she stays positive.

And you don't need a lecture on why you should quit smoking, but if you have questions on HOW, just let me know.


apeygirl December 8 2016, 08:29:21 UTC
If you have any links to things, I'd appreciate it. I've tried so many methods to break this and I can't seem to find the willpower not to have "one more" and supposedly change things tomorrow. My brain is a stubborn little fucker.

I don't like feeling this way, so helpless. It was so much easier when I had more faith, when I thought this would all be for the good in some far-off end, but my experiences aren't pointing that way.

I am scared, but I am trying to be there for her and keep this about her.


bkwurm1 December 6 2016, 04:51:46 UTC
I'm so sorry about your aunt. She sounds like a wonderful person to have in your life ( ... )


apeygirl December 8 2016, 08:33:58 UTC
Thanks so much. I might need this in the month to come because I'm not one to post too much of my life on facebook.

I am struggling with faith and I hope faith will win out, but it's just a bit of a dark place right now and maybe I need to feel it because I've spent a lot of time pushing this away throughout other crises and maybe diving in will be better, you know?

My aunt and I have had several good, emotional talks about the process and the possibilities and being proactive. She is truly one of the best people to talk to when your head is spinning, so I'm trying to give that back to her as much as I can.


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