Just reread Identity Crisis, and hey, it still makes me cry.
A little bit of history: Identity Crisis was the first comic I ever picked up and read. Before that, I knew who certain characters were - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-man, and the X-Men, mainly - but I'd never actually read the comics. I picked up Identity Crisis in the library
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Outside of mutants! Check out Fraction's Immortal Iron Fist, which is made of utter win, and both Brubaker's and Bendis' runs on Daredevil. (The Devil, Inside and Out is amazing, but you really shouldn't read it until you're familiar with who the Daredevil characters are ( ... )
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Also, Sandman! How could I forget that? That's Neil Gaiman writing comics, by the way.
But yeah. Avengers are great, but... anything after Disassembled starts getting too involved with the main plotline. I mean, M-Day, Civil War, Secret Invasion, the list keeps growing.
Although at some point, if you're feeling more confident, I would advise checking out that backstory. There is some great stuff there.
Now Evolution is pure WIN. 8D
But it isn't! So yay! oh god but we watched the episode "Spikes and Speed" and oh dear god what have they done with poor Pietro? Also, why does Storm have relatives? In America? Um.
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