Dankeschön. Wie du weißt, mag ich schöne und zur Geschichte passende Fan-Kunst und gebe mir große Mühe, selbst solche zu erstellen. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf deine diesjährige BigBang-Geschichte.
You put so much thought into all the elements of the graphics and it shows; that is an excellent and thorough virus design! Great to read all about your reasoning and process. I love the intriguing design of the banner, how you positioned Jared within Jensen <3 Good stuff.
It is very important to me that history and art form a unity. And "SOS Red" had many good starting points that I could implement and use. It all started with a little pencil sketch for the story summary. After reading the story, it was clear that the virus was an essential component and a great stylistic device to show the plot progression. I had a lot of fun developing everything.
I very much like the art you've created for the story; as I was reading it I felt the chapter-heads especially supported the story progression really well :)
Thank you so much for your praise. As I read the draft of the story, I found many parallels to the current Corona crisis. Then I thought about how we visually perceive pandemics. Everyone is familiar with pictures of pathogens under the microscope. Few are good, many are bad. So I came up with the idea of subtly depicting the pandemic progression with the chapter headings with the virus spread. The larger, darker and more numerous the viruses become, the more dangerous they are.
i lovelovelove when artists explain their thinking like this. it's so cool to see the process, especially your thoughts behind the shape of the virus and its appearance in the various chapter headers. also the cover is kind of creepy, with jared under the red light light that, and just really good.
I had the cover immediately in mind when I read the challenge. The idea with the viruses came to me only when reading the story. But to do that, I first had to design a virus. So it took hours of research on the Internet. I looked at many known viruses and created a new virus from them. Then I read all the chapters again and made notes on the virus development and the course of the whole pandemic. I like to read myself how artists create their fan art and why they did this or that. It gives me a much deeper insight into the art and the history. With my fan art, I also thought about everything for a long time and every single detail is connected to the story. That's what I wanted to share.
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