Arise, and be all that you dreamed

Aug 18, 2011 03:07

Last week, my PC died all of a sudden... I had to replace the motherboard yesterday because the previous one died. I had hardly used a computer in almost a week. I was going crazy ┓(◎Д◎)┏! Now, she's alive and I survived \(^o^)/!
My apologies if I haven't been commenting to your posts or replying all your lines o(╥﹏╥)o


For legality, more Conan purchases
A friend of my mother's gave me these beauties as a present. He lives in Yokohama and he was staying in Buenos Aires for a few weeks. I asked him If he could buy me the Super Digest Books and this Sunday Official Guide Book. I promised to give him the money back but he refused and said It was a bday gift =3!
Conan is the one in all the SDB covers and Shin'ichi is the back covers ♥!

Believe It or not, I finally got all four SDB! The first one came out in February of 2003, I wanted them since then T_T! The SDB +10, +20 and +30 have golden covers, the last one came out in 2006.

SDB +10 includes:  Gosho Aoyama Private Galery with illustration from 1999 to 2002, information about each story arc from the first 10 volumes, characters data, relationships, tricks and an interview.


SDB +20 color pages =3!


Includes information from volumes 11 to 20, character's relationships, tricks and Detective George one short =3!

SDB +30 includes information about each story arc from volumes 21 to 30 and information about the Detective Conan 7th movie in color pages =)!


SDB +40 post cards =3!


SDB +40 includes information about each story arc from volumes 21 to 30. Even If Detective Conan has reached 72 volumes, they have never released SDB +50 and +60 u_u!

Never knew what was this guide book about...
Sunday Official Guide Book - Detective Conan The Movie [ Zenjinbutsu Tyousyo]



It summarizes each movie, includes information of the main characters and minor characters from each movie, Conan's gadgets and an interview with the seiyuus.


in-joke: lj - we know drama, it's not fair, detective conan, it never rains but it pours, detective vs phantom thief, gôshô aoyama

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