Title: Caligo Nox Noctis
Author: AoiTsukikage
Rating: R overall
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Kurt overall; some minor Blaine/Kurt
Chapter: 19/?
Word Count: 2859
Spoilers: Let’s say everything to be safe :)
Summary/Warnings: (Vampire!Kurt, so completely AU) The good news about all of this is that there’s a cure. The bad news, of course, is what the
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Comments 19
Secondly, yay for quick updates. This is quite a beautiful story and I have to apologize for not commenting before, but I guess this chapter stole my lurkyness. Lol.
And finally...I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you get this all the time, but if not then chaulk this up to my complete random outburst of songs from musicals and general randomness (read:wierdness). Lol! XD
"Song the sing
song song song sing
sing sing sing song"
*I had to click 'Sing A Song?' to leave a comment and it totally made me think of 'Goodmorning Starshine' from Hair. I apologize for the wierdness lol.
And I don't know if I've had anybody sing me a song before, but then I haven't had this layout for very long (and I always seem to change the default 'leave a comment' to something relating to whatever the current theme of my page is xP)
you made me like Karofsky.
Excellent chapter!
“Thinking Kurt’s gorgeous isn’t good enough, Finn. A rock can see that he is,”
just.. this.
Haha, and I suppose that means that rocks are more perceptive than Blaine is, at any rate xP
And keep going...it's great. :)
“Totally,” Finn leans down and then they’re kissing, Kurt’s hands fisted in his jacket and his hair, and he opens his mouth and lets Kurt deepen the kiss, tangling their tongues until it’s hot and sloppy and God, he hopes he never has to live without this.
oh my goooddddddd I love it.
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