Title: This Is Your Life
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: Yaoi, Modern AU
Pairings: ZoSan primarily with others sprinkled in here and there
Spoilers: Ah, recent chapters now... (but not THAT recent...)
Chapter: 30/30
Word Count: 1363
Total Word Count of Fic: 128,470
It's A New Life For Me, And I'm Feeling Good )
Comments 12
Now go make me another!! YEAH! *feels greedy/pushy*
Another AU...yeah...
As I've said, there IS another fic in the works, so hopefully it'll be started before long!
And it's totally AU. Totally. :D
The conversations and observations in the chapter are perfect and balanced, and they're just enough. Thank you. Thank you so much for writing, for amusing me, for sharing, for staying with it and for being... You. This was an awesome ride! I'm also really looking forward to the next time you decide to take us along! :D
Aw, thank you so much for reading and commenting!! Hopefully the next fic will be started soon!!
What a wonderful way to end this, Kakuuuuu *v*!!
Anyways, I love this to death man, amazing story and I really hope to see more of your writing in the future :D
And of course I adore Kaku, so I had to get him back in somehow xP
Hopefully something new will be in the works soon so I can start posting again!
I eagerly await your next project ;3;
Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments on this fic, and hopefully the next one won't take too long to start (I was working on it tonight, so we'll see...)
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