
May 14, 2009 10:10

hurt, angry, sick that's exacly how I'm feeling right now...

I was supposed to have friends in real... but those last days have been a living hell... with each day I'm wondering if I'm really not hated. They don't care. They just don't. If a fucking truck hits me today and I die they will laugh. Yes, I really feel like this... beacuse it seems like ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

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aoispet May 14 2009, 17:59:50 UTC
*hugs you back*

thanks a lot for your words... it means a lot to me... I guess it's happening to me what happened to you too~~ cause I have the same problem: really low self-esteem... although I'm really trying to improve that <3

thanks for supporting me <33333 *hugs again* it's really nice to see that people I admire care about me... it makes me feel loved so thanks hun <333


jeevas_christ May 14 2009, 15:46:41 UTC
in primul rand, salutari ( ... )


aoispet May 14 2009, 18:05:35 UTC
^^ ma bucur mult sa intalnesc persoane din Romania care asculta JRock <3

nu am de ce sa ma simt jignita stai lin =)... am 17... si sincer pana de curand nu am avut astfel de stari... dar mai nou am avut niste probleme in familie si am fost tradata de niste prieteni... si probabil ca asta m`a afectat cel mai mult...

sper ca peste un timp o sa fie mai bine si ca o sa treaca si sper sa fie doar o pasa proasta.. dar sa ma trezesc inconjurata de prieteni falsi a fost o lovitura grea pentru mine...

poate si dragostea are legatura cu asta pt ca sunt indragostita de o persoana care stiu ca niciodata nu imi va impartasi sentimentele... de fapt chiar nu`i pasa...

aa si nu`ti face griji XDD de ce sa ma deranjeze ca ai scris in romana ? imi face bine sa vad romania pe aici asa ca .. ^^ <3

mersi mult pentru sprijin <33

apropo... din ce oras esti ?


jeevas_christ May 14 2009, 19:03:14 UTC
same here. mai ales ca sunt o fana infocata de mai mult de doi ani.

stiu la ce te referi, am trecut si eu prin asta. si cum ti-am mai spus, nu stiu daca este bine sau rau, dar am ajuns sa fiu putin ... cum sa spun... paranoica. in sensul ca nu ma mai incred in nimeni atat de usor. dar nici asa nu e bine, sa tii totul in tine...

in fine, iar vorbesc prea mult. o sa treaca >:D<
sunt multi oameni falsi si rai, dar niciodata sa nu iti pierzi speranta ca mai exista si exceptii.

si despre dragoste, oh, si aici te inteleg.
dar stii, desi doare rau acum...
sigur o sa vina un timp cand ai sa privesti in spate si ai sa zambesti. toate trec, si bune si rele.

sunt din bucuresti. si tu la fel, nu? 8D


aoispet May 15 2009, 06:14:46 UTC
2 ani? si la mine cam la fel cu toate ca pana acum un an ascultam mai mult Gackt XD

stiu ce vrei sa zici... pentru ca intr`un fel si mie acum imi e foarte greu sa cred in persoanele de langa mine.. cu toate ca s`ar putea sa fie ceva temporar...

stii... imi face placere sa vorbesc cu persoane mature ca tine... nu stiu ma face sa ma simt mult mai bine ^^

stiu ca exista exceptii si poate ca sunt chiar pe langa mine dar trebuie sa`mi fac timp sa le gasesc...

dap... tot din Bucuresti sunt si eu =D


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aoispet May 15 2009, 06:11:00 UTC
*hugs back*

I love you too hun <33333

I wish we could live closer...

and.. *blush* she really said that? I don't know aht to say beside... thank you *blushes even more*
aand trust me your comment helped me A LOT... it feels so good to see that people like you care about me even though we haven't met in real...

thank you so much <333 your words are wonderful hun <333 and YOU are wonderful... thanks again *BIG TEDDY HUG*


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aoispet May 18 2009, 03:55:30 UTC

it's strange for me cause usually people don'y find me cute.. okay maybe nice or somthing but not cute... so thank you <333

*huggles back*

haha marrying Aoi together XDD that'll be fun XDDD but we'd have to marry Uru too o_O


raecookie May 15 2009, 01:32:46 UTC
These jerks aren't worth your time, sweetie. If they treat you like this, kick them to the curb! You deserve to be loved and treated right. Don't let them treat you like this.

I'm here for you. Feel better, ok? *hugs you tightly*


aoispet May 15 2009, 06:18:29 UTC
thank you so much <3 thanks for being here for me and for telling me words like this... it makes me feel so much loved... I'm sure I'll get through it... now I feel better. Somehow I'm glad it happened like this so I can see how fake my 'friends' really are.

thanks again hun *hugs you back*


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aoispet May 15 2009, 14:12:42 UTC
awww thanks so much *hugs really tight and gives jrock plushies*

really thank you :3 you made me smile really bright with your comment it's super sweet <333

haha I'm no good at lj either but I'm trying to learn ^^


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