Work is NOT calming down anytime soon (why would it after two years, a transfer, a raise, and ... well, a lot of other stuff later?) so I've given up on attempting to wait for that. And although I doubt TehCrazies in fandom have disappeared (o y ceeeeling cat? WRRRY HAS U NOT SMITED THEM????) I still miss parts of the fandom. ::grin:: Like Daily!Hotch.
And since it's gonna be Monday shortly (Y OH CEEEEELING CAT...) clearly this is a divine (::snort::) sign for eyecandy. Hey, works for me - all, of course, except the Monday bit.
Am all caught up on Criminal Minds now too, unf. I will say I'm glad I didn't have to suffer through the latter half of S6 in real time (I stopped watching right before the Prentiss arc-of-shit), so I think I liked it better than I would have otherwise. I am, of course, glad the entire team is back together too. OHANA. Am loving S7 thus far too (although 7x02 gave me the bloody WILLIES.) I enjoy my happy place. (And, like the rest of you, we ain't gonna think too hard about how this show is our happy place, kay? Righto.)
DAILY!HOTCH with bonus Reid video (seriously, not sure why that part made me laugh so hard, but it really did). This is for
chubbybunnie and
mcgarrygirl78, who put up with my crazy texts while I caught up. I love you ladies.
Okay, time out. Is there anyone surprised I found Hotch "I'm living in a yurt drinking yak's milk and butter tea and frockling with camels, and oops, forgot my shaving kit" HOT AS FUCK? I don't know, but I think it may have something to do with the image of beard burn on thighs.
Time in.
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