Title: Falling for My Aniki
Pairing: TaNakamaru
Genre: Romance (with a splash of Drama, Crack and Action)
Rating: PG-15 … it’s totally safe!
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don’t own any of the JE boys in this fic. *sniffs*
Summary: Koki just graduated from college and in his hopes of finding a good job that would take him to his dream of becoming Japan’s number 1
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Comments 29
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but i think koki shall go for whatever is good for yuichi... he just doesn't want yuichi to be doing the wrong things just to get what he wants..
but please keep reading... things will get better, i promise!
And Koki is , well, slow? @.@
Love this chao and can't wait to read more! ^^
and now what's left is for them to talk things out.. koki and yuichi..
hmmm.. this chap is indeed a bit shorter.. but i still like it.. i'm aticipating for the next.. XD
how come koki didn't realize that
yuichi has had free time now to try to escape, but he haven't tried.. baka koki!
aww.. :3 i knew koki could talk
and he actually made a difference at
yuichi and made him to apologize to
his father :)
and koki ^^
they are soooo sweet when they are both being little stupid,ne?!! ^^
great chapter, i can't wait
for the next chap!! i hope you update soon! THANK YOU for this chapter!! :3
so yuichi apologized to his father?? well, that's good..
and now, koki and yuichi should talk things out.. (looking forward to this) XD
and thanks for the info about yakuzas.. wow, not only is your fic entertaining, it's informative as well.. :DD
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