Title: Tu Rentres Author: aoi_haiiro Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst. Pairing: RyoDa Summary: A little story about coming home. Note: This a bunch of rambling. It’s slightly OOC, but I figure age can change anyone.
This is so Amazing.. It really is... I feel so sad reading it.. But it really is soo good.. Anyway,is it from Ueda's POV? I couldn't make myself sure.. *sorry for it and sorry for my lateness*
I'm putting together a RyoDa Fanfiction List and would like to know if you're allow me to list our fictions on it for the fans to be able to find there favorite fictions. Of course all fics will be credited back to their original authors.
Comments 11
It really is...
I feel so sad reading it..
But it really is soo good..
Anyway,is it from Ueda's POV? I couldn't make myself sure..
*sorry for it and sorry for my lateness*
I'm putting together a RyoDa Fanfiction List and would like to know if you're allow me to list our fictions on it for the fans to be able to find there favorite fictions. Of course all fics will be credited back to their original authors.
Thank you very much.
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