ao3vidders is pleased to announce that we have 18 vidders who have offered up vids for our auction! A huge THANK YOU to all who braved the unknown (we're brand new at this, after all) and put yourself out there. I am amazed and excited for the enthusiasm so many have for the OTW's project.
Let the bidding begin!!
Vidding fans, fandom fans, OTW supporters and everyone's friends can stop by any of the auctions and place a bid. Bidding will remain open until May 30th!
A masterlist of auctions is listed below.
aruna7's auction ash48's auction bassair's auction colls's auction Dayln's auction Danegen's auction Deejay's auction e_transition's auction ghost lingering's auction greenpear's auction keerawa's auction Laucus's auction LC's auction LithiumDoll's auction obsessive24's auction Stephanie/ValaMD's auction such height's auction tearful eye's auction How to Bid
Edited on 05/16 To bid on an auction will simply comment to the post with your bid amount, obviously making it higher than the one before it if one already exists. If you'd like to be notified if you've been outbid, you can track the post.
thanks to both
laurashapiro who was doing this anyway and to
giandujakiss for the suggestion. Hopefully this will be less confusing than a bidding thread. :)
If you do not have an LJ account, you can bid in a comment using OpenID (in theory). Unfortunately, we're unable to track anonymous bids at this time.
For simplicity sake, we'll bid in US dollars. You can check out for common exchange rates.
An important note about vid expectations
Vidders have outlined the fandom(s) they are willing to vid for and in most cases have added details about styles/genres and other preferences. Vidders are not obligated to make a specific vid unless it is explicitly outlined in their auction.
The only obligation the vidder is under is based on fandom. Any other details, such as song choice, character, genre, etc. are ultimately the decision of the vidder. The auctions will give you a general idea of what the vidder is most likely to do and most vidders have included links so you can see some of their previous work.
If you have any questions surrounding what a vidder may or may not be willing to do, please contact them. Contact information is provided in each auction. Most importantly, if you, as a bidder, have a specific idea for a vid that you would like made or any other expectation that may not be as general as "fandom", please talk with the vidder BEFORE bidding. Several vidders have expressed a willingness to collaborate.
We really want this to be a positive experience for both our vidders and bidders! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the mods - we're more than happy to help. :D
Vidders: If you'd like to add anything to your auction, please feel free to make a comment to your auction at any time.
What happens when I win an auction?
Once bidding ends, we'll have a 'Bidding Confirmation Post' set up which will also contain these instructions. We're providing them now BEFORE YOU BID so that you are aware of what will happen next.
Do not send us any money!!! Please
go directly to OTW's online donation page where you can donate online via credit card or PayPal. Within a day or so, you should receive an email confirmation.
Comment to the confirmation post to say that you've made your donation and have a receipt. Comments to this post will be screened and visible only to mods.
You can provide the receipt to the mods in a couple ways.
- screenshot your email confirmation, black out any personal information, upload it to an image hosting site (such as tinypic or photobucket) and include a link in your comment.
here is an example - forward your confirmation email (or a screenshot of it) to a mod (we'll provide our email addresses on the post).
Once we've received confirmation, we'll post a comment in the auction confirming the transaction has been completed and contact the vidder.
The online donation method is preferred as confirmation is easier and quicker. However, the OTW does accept checks. If you are going to be donating via mailing a check, please contact a mod so that we can arrange alternate donation confirmation.
What is this auction in support of again?
This auction is to raise awareness and funds for the Organization of Transformative Works (OTW) and for their various projects. Donations made to OTW as a result of this auction will not be allocated specifically for the vidding project, but to the OTW as a whole.
We are not formally affiliated in any way with OTW or AO3, we are merely supporters of their project. Please see our profile for specific information and links to some of the OTW projects.
Didn't have time to commit to making a vid at this time? Not able to bid or didn't win the auction you were bidding on? Want to contribute in some other manner? There are other ways to help support the AO3 project and the OTW in general. See
How you can help for more information.