A Vid Exchange?

Jul 08, 2012 14:31

*dusts off community*


I was wondering what the interest would be in a multi-fandom vid exchange. I've wanted one for so long that contains some of the larger fandoms that I thought it might be best just to run one! :D

P.S. My intention is to use the AO3 challenge feature within the Collections to do matches and such - perhaps ( Read more... )

vid exchange

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Comments 18

scifi_tv_addict July 8 2012, 19:15:42 UTC
The only problem that I'd have is that I don't have an AO3 account...so it might be hard to participate/archive there.


colls July 8 2012, 19:18:13 UTC
I was just reminded via PM that maintainers of collections/challenges can request invite codes ahead of queue - so I don't think that part would be a problem!


scifi_tv_addict July 8 2012, 19:19:22 UTC
Ooh, cool cool!


aruna7 July 8 2012, 19:29:40 UTC
I still have invites left, so I can provide you one if you send me your email through PM. I set up a collection for the OTW as a staff member a few months back. :)


amnisias July 8 2012, 19:29:37 UTC
Generally I'd be interested, but I'd need some more details about the challenge and what'd be expected. Large source is for me a problem because clipping then becomes time consuming, and I don't have much spare time these days. My experience with exchanges is limited, I've only done festivids so far. Would it be like that, just without the 'small fandome clause'? Or would the fandomes be linked with specific prompts? How long a vid would it have to be? Could I get away with doing an episodic vid?


colls July 8 2012, 19:43:49 UTC

It would be akin to the festivids policy that you'd only be matched on fandom, the character/shipping/music/narrative suggestions of your recipient would be optional. And an episodic vid would absolutely work.

Hypothetically, if 75% of the participants signed up with Fandom XYZ, then perhaps some prompt/character matching could be done, but it would not be something that would be required for the vidder to stick with.

ION, I've toyed with the idea of just doing a prompt exchange and letting the vidder choose the fandom, but I don't think there's enough people actually interested in that (although I could be wrong).


aruna7 July 8 2012, 19:32:18 UTC
That's a wonderful idea!!!! As a vidder and OTW staff, I can only do a happy dance about it!

While I won't be able to participate due to crazy life and a dead muse (already a miracle I could pull my Vividcon auction vid in time) I would be happy to pimp it, and maybe if you keep me in the loop, I could even work on having a mini post for the OTW blog and all, to show how vidding is becoming more part of AO3. :)


colls July 8 2012, 19:45:28 UTC
*reminds me that I need to buy my plane tickets to Chicago*

I've never been bold enough to make a vid for VVC, how sad is that? I'm excited to see your vid next month!!


And I love AO3!! I'm sorry to have done nothing with this comm last year. :(


aruna7 July 8 2012, 19:54:54 UTC
I never attended Vividcon because I'm in France (too far, too expensive) but I've taken part in the Vividcon auction three times (2007, 2011 and 2012) and I'm happy I did so even though this year I had no idea how I'd make my vid in time.

I'll pimp and do what I can also with my OTW cap, especially after the work done for the Diversity Showcase earlier this year. And no apology needed, I know how crazy life can be! *hugs*


colls July 10 2012, 00:02:48 UTC
I've attended 2010 and am going this year, but have never vidded for it. I don't know if I want to physically BE in the room when 50 people watch something I made -- LOL!!

SHOWCASE!! Yes! That is what actually prompted me to start archiving my vids on AO3 :D


angelus2hot July 8 2012, 20:01:59 UTC
If I were better at it(and had a better program) I would love to participate. But my skill level just isn't there yet. :(


colls July 9 2012, 23:42:15 UTC
what?? I think you're crazy. You have a nice sense of timing, shiny literal scene choices and good song selection -- HALF THE BATTLE!!

It looks like it might be a small exchange, perfect way to get your feet wet.


angelus2hot July 10 2012, 15:16:00 UTC
Yeah, but I appreciate the compliment anyway. It's very sweet of you to say.

I'll be in the middle of wicked_awards... but if I could get the vid done in August while I'm still just taking nominations...hmmmm that might be doable.


You know I'm so weak! Why must you enable me?


mithborien July 9 2012, 15:54:54 UTC
Definitely interested, although having more time to make the vid would be appreciated. It's not that I couldn't make one in that time, but it depending on what else is happening time could get tight.


colls July 9 2012, 23:44:19 UTC
I only want to be sure not to bump into festivids too much, because I know many vidders participate in that.

If they keep the same schedule they did last year I can probably push to September 15th for vids and start doing reveals the end of the month? That would be 2 and a half months. What do you think?

ETA: Wow, I'm calendar challenged for a Monday. Please ignore that.
September does NOT equal October


mithborien July 10 2012, 13:40:49 UTC
Heh, the more time available to make the vid would definitely be a greater incentive for me to participate.

Although, you have a fair point about Festivids because I would also be participating in that.


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