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Comments 6

evercool February 24 2010, 16:13:17 UTC
I would try googling a tech help or virus help forum that's in good use (just peek and make sure people are actually being responded to and such I mean), then post your symptoms there and explain your situation. I've done it before and they helped me so maybe they could help too. x__x

Also, it's always best to disconnect from the internet and run virus scanners in safe-mode when something like that happens.


anyjen February 25 2010, 01:19:23 UTC
Thanks for the info! I'll try with a couple of programs I was recommended, and if they don't work, I'll head for the forums. :3


x_mog February 24 2010, 17:36:51 UTC
Check symantec's site? They have info on all kinds of viruses and stuff. Bro's been doing that a lot lately since we had some issues with personal antivirus(Which is you can guess isn't actualy an antivirus at all) and some trojans...

Do you have Norton? >.> I'd suggest getting Norton if you can. It's good with finding/deleting these things.


anyjen February 25 2010, 01:20:17 UTC
Thansk for the suggestions! I don't have Norton, but if I can't solve it with free programs I might see to getting it...


moe81 February 25 2010, 00:46:03 UTC
Hey sweetie. I've had the same problems. There are a couple programs you can run.

The first is Malwarebytes. It's a free program and it may take a while at full scan but it's worth doing.

The other is trend micro housecall. An online scanner also worth running.

If neither cleans it, start your computer in safe mode and run the malwarebytes again.


anyjen February 25 2010, 01:18:12 UTC
Thanks for the info! I'll try them. :)


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