Pictures! Pictures! And a video of bottle-feeding a lamb. :)

Jan 15, 2010 15:07

Hello everybody!!

Well, as you may know by now, I'm back from my holidays. I can now reply to comments and posts again.... though I'm still waaaay behind on reading fic. ^^U

If you've posted anything since December 21st and I haven't commented on it, it's likely I haven't been able to find it. You see, Frank has been eating some posts from my f-list ( Read more... )

pictures, lamb, video

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Comments 14

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anyjen January 15 2010, 20:21:04 UTC
She certainly is! And after we bathed her, she even smelled well! ...before that, she smelled of sheep, and trust me, that's not a nice smell to have around you when you want to sleep. ^^UU

Maybe she was, a bit, but I'm sure she got used to it after a while. My mother is good with animals, so I'm sure she'll take to her in no time at all. Beba is, after all, my parents' lamb. ^^


popkin16 January 16 2010, 00:53:38 UTC
Oh my god, I am dead from the cute. Especially that second picture a;dka;sdk ♥ ♥


anyjen January 16 2010, 03:00:25 UTC
Isn't she adorable? X3

She was a lot of work, but it sure was worth it... man, there are few things cuter than a lamb tottering around in its too-long legs... and her tail was positively adorable, too! Pity they're going to have to cut it before long. >_<

It's a preventive measure, done for their health, but man... it's so cute when she wags it happily... it curls up like a piglet's when she does. :3


imposterable January 16 2010, 00:57:44 UTC
OMIGAWWD. *__* sheep..
those pictures ALMOST turned my favorite animal from pig to sheep ;__;

It's a she, right? Are you gonna get another sheep when she grows up? :3

Hmm. She got shiny hooves #w#


anyjen January 16 2010, 02:56:40 UTC
I have more! Wait until I've posted those! XD

Well, my aunt, who lives next door to my parents, has a sheep (a fully grown one, one that isn't very fond of people, I'm afraid), so Beba won't be lonely, and my parents are planning to make her breed sometime and keep her lamb/s, but we won't be buying any more. They're rather expensive (for us) and unless you bring them up since they're lambs they tend to fear people.

They were shiny in that picture because she was fresh out of the bath. You should have seen them when she just got home. They were positively filthy. ^^UUUU


imposterable January 18 2010, 19:20:01 UTC
Lol sorry for the late reply ;__;
Just checked my mail and got over 100 messages (mostly LJ replies) and lol.. yeah. They should really make replies for anything go in the LJ inbox =__=;

Ehh. Lol that's what I usually thought of sheep: they're not fond of humans. Raising animals are expensive themselves, aren't they? Other than obtaining them. But true. It's like getting a puppy while it's young so it'll be more attached to you as it grows up with you.

Niiice. I want to do that if I ever get a dog :P That is, take a picture of it after a bath x) So that means you got to clean them up every day after a walk? That's a lot of work o_o


anyjen January 18 2010, 20:39:44 UTC
Yup. There's the vet visits, and innoculations, and stuff, but the good thing about sheep is that they earn their own money. Every year in the Spring you can sell their wool, and according to what they've told me, after a single year they already cover what you spent buying it in the first place. :)

One more year, and you're actually earning money! Not much for a single sheep, but hey, what were you expecting? XD

There's no animal that will be instantly fond of humans. The younger they are when they're first exposed to people, and the longer they spend with people, the more fond of people they will be. Easy as that. :)

No, if she's been walking on grass or tiled floors she won't get dirty... the problem is when she steps on her own droppings. That's when her hooves get filthy, and when we really need to clean them. :P


beboots January 16 2010, 04:00:34 UTC
Laaaaamb... <3


anyjen January 16 2010, 04:16:31 UTC


andra_sashner January 16 2010, 20:03:36 UTC
Way too cute for words! And the bottle-drinking skillz, whoa, look at her gooooo!! Adorable CUTE in that peering-at-cam garden pic, by the way.


anyjen January 16 2010, 20:14:56 UTC
The speed at which she downed that milk was the reason she's sneezing afterwards in the video. She drank so fast some of it went into her nose. ^^UU

That picture is positively adorable. Pity it wasn't me who took it. XD


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