[Drabble] Love at First Binge

Feb 11, 2009 15:31

Title: Love at First Binge
Fandom: One Piece
Genre: Humour, Romance (sort of)
Pairing: Luffy / Bonney (because I’m weird like that...)
Rating: “C” for Crack
Length: 300 words exactly (Yay!)
Summary: What if Jewelry Bonney and Monkey D. Luffy were to meet?

She had both her arms and both her legs slung over the table, greedily hoarding the yet ( Read more... )

fic, one piece

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Comments 14

lily22 February 11 2009, 18:27:52 UTC
HAHAHAHA this is amazing. Nice description of their gluttony - gotta say, it made a mite queasy to read. I feel so sorry for the restaurant staff.


anyjen February 11 2009, 18:36:53 UTC
It made me a bit queasy, and I wrote it. XD

The staff in that restaurant are going to need extended vacactions after those two leave. And possibly therapy.

Thanks for reading!


popkin16 February 11 2009, 18:51:24 UTC
I really need to read One Piece over again. I can't for the life of me remember certain characters >.<

But this was hilarious!



anyjen February 11 2009, 19:00:41 UTC
She's one of the the many characters introduced in Shabondy island.I don't blame you for not remembering her; I actually had to go back to re-read that part because I couldn't remember her name. ^^U


Yeah, I wrote One Piece. Funny that the first thing I wrote in this fandom is het, and an alternate pairing at that. Told you my muses love a challenge. XD

(I'm working on a Zoro x Sanji for bunnymaccool, but my muses tackled me a couple of hours ago with this and I couldn't resist the temptation to finally put it into writing...)


popkin16 February 11 2009, 19:51:58 UTC
*Clicks the link*

OH, she and Luffy are perfect for each other. XD They could go on lovely dates where they eat restaurants empty and then joyfully go fight strong enemies. Or something.

I noticed that! lol I'm just glad you're writing One Piece, even if it is a het, alternative pairing. XD

(I owe a couple fics to friends too, and I just posted a drabble. I should probably get to work on those other fics...ASDKF;KSD I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOUR ZOSAN FIC. SERIOUSLY.Though I hope this doesn't mean you're leaving xxxHolic behind).


anyjen February 11 2009, 20:14:58 UTC
That's what I thought the first time I saw her. If not romantically involved, they at least would be very close friends. And Sanji would be ecstatic to be able to feed her (even if that meant that they'd have to build a separate ship just to hold all the food for them).

Never fear; xxxholic has taken hold my soul and it doesn't seem like it's going to let go anytime soon. I've been trying to write for One Piece for a while, as a matter of fact, but there's already so much in the fandom that it gets hard to be original, and I don't really like writing something that sounds like something I've already read somewhere (it's the main reason that Zoro x Sanji is going so slowly).
In comparison, there's plenty more available for writing in the xxxholic fandom (particularly if you have a craving for a bottom!Doumeki).


(The comment has been removed)

anyjen March 26 2009, 10:25:07 UTC
In their own way, I guess. It takes gut to be the ship's cook in the crew of either of them (Sanji and her cook would probably go along swimmingly if they met. XD)

Thanks for reading! :3


presiderp April 22 2009, 03:12:10 UTC
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought they were a match made in hell for chefs heaven. Or not and just really damn hilarious.

This was awesome and you are awesome <3


anyjen April 22 2009, 03:48:48 UTC
No, you weren't. I suspect their diametrically different ideologies would be quite an obstacle for real romance, but heck, they'd be awesome together (not to mention hilarious) anyway. XD

Thanks for reading!!


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