Unkindness (Jalex - 3/?)

Oct 16, 2012 17:49

Title: Once a Whore You're Nothing More
Pairing: Jalex
Beta: jalex_bandwhore
Rating: R for cursing and mentions of sex
Disclaimer: Cut belongs to Fun. (from Stars) Chapter title belongs to Paramore (Misery Business) Didn't happen, I made it up, I don't own them, blah blah blah. Enjoy it.
Word Count: 1044
Summary: “Please cook for me more often?” I begged and he laughed harder, “You’ll get fat Jackary.” He poked my stomach with his toe
P.O.V.: 1st, Jack
A/N: I am the worlds worst updater but I promise I'm gonna get better.

  It was two days before I even saw Alex, in between me practicing and him avoiding me, I was just starting to pack up my stuff to move back into my old room when my cell phone buzzed. I debated ignoring it for a few seconds before giving in, it was from Alex, and it said that I was to go to his room in ten minutes. I was slightly cautious, because the whole nest, though none of us would ever say it aloud, knew Alex was a bit of a whore. He hadn’t yet chosen a mate and he was definitely exploring his options before making that choice. My phone buzzed again, it was another text from Alex; “hurry up, and bring your toothbrush” was all it said. My jaw dropped and it took me a few seconds to respond. I walked to my sink and grabbed my toothbrush before exiting.

Walking to Alex’s room was easier than I thought it would be, I wasn’t nervous at all, maybe I didn’t quite mind the idea of sleeping with him, I thought. I had my toothbrush in my back pocket, sticking out as if it was proud to be coming along with me. A few people I passed snickered at the sight of it, but I just ignored them, not caring when they think.

I arrived outside Alex’s door, taking a moment to collect myself before raising my hand to knock then stopped dead, my ears perking to hear better. I could hear soft groans and cursing coming from behind the door, along with the sound on skin smacking skin, I couldn’t believe it. I spun on my toes walking all the way down the hallway before stopping and punching the wall. “Fuck” I swore, “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” punching the wall hurt, I shook my hand hoping to ease the pain a bit. I paused and slowly took some breaths, trying to calm myself down. What was Alex thinking? What was wrong with him? Who invites someone over, only to be fucking someone else when they are supposed to arrive? It was sick and wrong and so much like Alex.

I collected myself, turning to face Alex’s doorway at the end of the hall and slowly starting to walk down it. I was halfway there when I saw the door open and a guy I kind of recognized sauntered out. His brown hair was tousled and he was walking with a slight limp. As we passed each other he grinned slyly “Sorry, but I don’t think someone like you could even get my sloppy seconds.” He leered, I stopped, too stunned to react, he chuckled and continued on his way.

I stormed up to Alex’s door, throwing it open without knocking, Alex was standing in his kitchen, only wearing jeans, “You’re just on time!” he chirped, not even looking up from whatever he was chopping. “What. The. Fuck. Alex?” I was struggling to keep my voice even, he looked up confused, which just managed to make me angrier, “What kind of asshole invites someone over, and at the time they are supposed to arrive be too busy fucking some slut!” I was almost yelling. Alex looked shocked, like I had slapped him. “How is it any of your concern who I sleep with, Barakat?” Alex’s voice was low and challenging, I curled my hand into a fist and then winced “Fucking fuck” I winced and said under my breath. “What’s wrong?” Alex asked, abandoning his knife on the cutting board and walking to me, his low riding jeans weren’t even done up and I could see the dark green of his boxers underneath, “I punched a wall.” I mumbled, not looking up at him. “Pardon? I didn’t hear that.” Alex sounded concerned, “I punched a wall.” I said again a little louder, “Please speak up Jack.” Alex told me “I punched a wall okay!” I almost yelled before crossing my arms and walking away.

Alex followed me into the living room area and pulled me into a hug “I’m sorry Jacky” he said, rubbing my back. I let myself melt into his chest, breathing in his scent, a mix of cologne and sweat. “Come on.” Alex told me, leading me back into the kitchen and finishing up whatever he was doing before. I sat on a stool and watched him chop numerous ingredients and put them into a huge saucepan, it smelled wonderful.

Once Alex seemed satisfied with his pan he added a can of tomatoes and put on pasta to boil.  “I didn’t know you could cook…” I said awkwardly staring in awe as the smells reached my nose, it smelled spectacular, the perfect mix of tomato and garlic and delicious. “There’s a lot about me that you don’t know kid.” Alex sounded mocking and sarcastic and I scrunched my nose, “Asshole.” I replied simply, walking over to his television and scanning the shelves of movies beside it. “Alex!” I squealed, pulling out a plastic case, “I love this movie!” I turned it over to look at the cover; it was Home Alone, one of the greatest movies ever created. “Home Alone? Really?” Alex sounded skeptical, “I like it too.” He grinned. “Please can we watch it?” I made mooneyes at him until he laughed, “Only if you stop making that face.”

I wanted to eat my food in record time so we could put on the movie faster but I found myself unable to, it was just too good.  I moaned around a forkful, I wanted to make love to this spaghetti it was so delicious. Alex chuckled, twirling some pasta around his fork. “Please cook for me more often?” I begged and he laughed harder, “You’ll get fat Jackary.” He poked my stomach with his toe, “I don’t mind.” I told him, sticking out my stomach and rubbing it, “I’ll be fat and happy and you can take care of me!” I was quite pleased with this arrangement. Alex smiled, “You can’t be fat, you’re my dance partner.” He ruffled my hair, “Now let’s go put on your silly film.” I let him grab my hand and pull me to the living room, a goofy grin on my face.

rating:r, story:unkindness, pairing:jalex

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