Do you THINK the A on his forehead stands for France?!

Apr 02, 2007 19:27

I'm like a month late to the party. I have an excuse -- I was studying for chemistry? Not really.

The Draw Captain America meme:

Ahahaha, it looks pretty lame being on the edge and everything. Captain America as a kid was the type who always belted out the national anthem at baseball games. He was also really good at kickball. Talking to my cousin:

Kevin: I cried when the Captain died.
Me: Really?
Kevin: Haha, no.

We'll miss you, Captain.

And for the Draw Power Girl meme:

Power Girl is a Joey Ramone fan and the guitarist of the Justice League, the world's greatest living rock group. (It's like Elseworlds, only worse.) Superman and Wonder Woman are the lead vocalists. The Green Lantern is on bass guitar, the Flash drums, Martian Manhunter does the synthesizer, and Batman is a back-up dancer. Aquaman used to play viola a la John Cale but he was kicked out for being useless.

Sorry about the boob window. It's classic!

IN CONCLUSION. Do the memes or you are UNAMERICAN ;)
And check out the other entries too. They're really, really awesome.

Speaking of which, my voter's registration came in the mail this weekend. Hooray (?)! Also, the Essex Green album I ordered for my birthday came in too. I like them. You should too. You can listen to some of their songs on hypemachine.

Next up: College talk? D: D: D:

ETA: While we're talking about comics and other dorky things. I finally saw The 300 with evilsnuggles485 on Friday after school. I figured it would be Frank Miller-bad, but I didn't expect it to be boring-bad as well. And gawd, was it BORING. I think Lauren slept through half the movie, and I started nodding off in the first hour.

fanart, meme

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