Friends Only

Aug 16, 2010 23:10

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Comments 303

engravedheart August 17 2005, 03:49:47 UTC
does this mean that all of your graphics are now friends only? if so, please add me back!! I LOVE YOUR SHIT!! ITS AWESOME!!


any_otherday August 17 2005, 03:55:32 UTC
LOL nope will be public to everyone! I'll add that to the opening post but I added you back!


engravedheart August 17 2005, 04:31:47 UTC
yay! =D


mesawoo August 17 2005, 05:27:29 UTC
Beautiful FO banner. :) Veronica Mars = <3.

I added you as a friend as well. :D


any_otherday August 17 2005, 06:10:50 UTC
TY! Added you back!

Love your icon, KAYSAR! GRR, how MAD are you about tonight's eppie! Jen is such a b!atch, I cannot believe she nominated Kaysar instead! ROTF at James, did you see his face! PRICELESS! It was in between shock and having a heart attack! At the moment it looks like the majority of the votes are goint to be for Kaysar ...and if he goes, I'm gonna be SO pissed! Alot of people said they should have just given Kaysar a week of immunity because people spent a whole week of voting and calls (THAT COST MONEY!) to get him back in and already he's going to be gone! ..JEN YOU'RE GOING DOWN! XD


mesawoo August 17 2005, 06:34:34 UTC
I know, right?! Kaysar was naive in thinking he could trust Jen. She swore on her life that she would backdoor James and what does she do? She backdoors the guy who let her have pictures of her boyfriend! GRR! We spent time voting for him!

James's reaction was like OMGWTFBBQ?! Like you said, truly priceless. I think he was really stunned. Either that or he's a great actor. I hope they have a double eviction next week so they can ship Jen and April out the door. O:-) Or some tiwst. When was the last time they had a frikkin' secret revealed?


any_otherday August 17 2005, 07:25:44 UTC
GAHH! I know, that's what really made me mad! Okay I know in the game you have to lie and manipulate sometimes but it was not one of those 'times' for Jen to do it. Everyone knows Jen would have cracked sooner or later in the pressure cooker, but Kaysar trusted her! ...Didn't do much good but at least now the other team knows how untrustworthy Jen is. If Janelle stays, I'm pretty sure she's going to try and seek revenge on Jen. And I'm rooting for that!

It' just those lies that really make me mad! She swore on her life so that's the big thing! Just like when James swore on the bible and he lied, which got him into so much trouble afterwards. And I hate how CALM Jen is about everything. 'Kaysar I know you must be upset right now ..." sh!t he is!

Double eviction would be good! ...that's true, I want some new secrets to be revealed! The bringing back a house guest was good and all but it wasn't really a 'secret' ...far from original.


_touched August 17 2005, 05:55:25 UTC
Dude, please tell me that you kept me where I can still actually see your posts. Hee! *g*


any_otherday August 17 2005, 06:07:10 UTC
LOL, you know I could NEVER cut you from my list! XD


_touched August 17 2005, 06:13:19 UTC
Yay! I get to stay. I get to stay. I get to stay. Hee! I feel all victorious now, like I wanna run around the gym with a trophy over my head and do a victory dance, kinda like Kirk does on GG. Hee! :)


shiftmyshape August 17 2005, 06:41:18 UTC
Friends only is so the cool thing to do. Please keep me on! lol


any_otherday August 17 2005, 07:21:20 UTC
LOL, of course! =)


joypiter August 17 2005, 08:34:22 UTC
Great idea with Friends only. I should do that too but I'm too lazy. heh


any_otherday August 17 2005, 23:21:00 UTC
Hehe, I was going to make my F/O a long time ago but I was way too lazy. ROTF I like the icon!


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