Title: Savin’ Me
Genre: angst, future!fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: miscommunication, mentions of self-harm (in
one chapter only), angst galore, unbetaed
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters are not mine, I put
them away when I’m done playing with them.
Word Count: ~1200 in this part, ~14 400 total
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Comments 20
This was lovely
I was wondering if Blaine was going to get any warnings
He was bound to, at some point;)
This fic was lovely and heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. And *sigh*. I'll miss it.
Have an internets.
GORGEOUS. <3 Seriously. That's all I can say right now.
Thank you so much!
Are your one-shots based on this? An epilogue, perhaps? That's me being greedy of course.
Hmm, I haven't thought about an epilogue, maybe one day... But it would have to be mostly fluffy (mostly, because I seem unable to write anything without at least a bit of angst) to counterbalance this one ;)
So no, the one-shots are two completely separate ideas that I've been playing with.
I'm so glad that you allowed them to rectify their mistakes, and grow as individuals and as a couple before finally coming full circle. It was elegantly executed and I couldn't think of a better way for this story to be completed.
Thank you for this story! It was a joy to read. <3
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