Bangel Recs Anyone??

Sep 02, 2011 15:01

So there's was this awesome moment at work a while back when something went missing. I said "It must be bunnies" and the reply from my colleague was "or maybe midgets". This was followed by the wild flailing of fangirl arms (or fanman arms in my colleagues case) and much jumping around ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

norwie2010 September 2 2011, 12:05:12 UTC
Friends don't let friends ship Bangel. :-P

(Coalitiongirl's stuff is always good. She's mostly Spuffy, but some Bangel in there, too.)


anviloverheaven September 3 2011, 04:13:33 UTC
Friends don't let friends ship Bangel

His Angel crush is so massive, even sneakily trying to subvert it would be a lost cause...

It was one of Coalitiongirl's fics I was talking about in the original post. Definatley sending For Grace his way :)


norwie2010 September 3 2011, 08:16:28 UTC

Ok, massive Angel crush: How about some Spangel? Hey! It's a start. :D


rahirah November 6 2011, 22:54:44 UTC
Late to the party here, but if you still want Bangel fic, try checking out - it's a very large Bangel archive and I think it's got links to individual author sites. It should keep him busy for quite awhile!


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