Immortality comes in the strangest forms sometimes.

Jul 28, 2021 07:48

Hello friends and readers, my name is Travis. I am Antumbral's biological brother. It is with a heavy heart i must inform you that Antumbral (known as Laura to her family and Joye to her friends) has passed away. Her liver shut down just before her 36th birthday. Since her passing, Ive started sifting through the contents of my sisters computer and ( Read more... )

immortality through literature, progress report, rec-age, queen of the world, personal

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Comments 1

sheesusnat July 29 2021, 03:15:07 UTC
First and foremost, my deepest condolences to you and your family and everyone else who is affected by this loss. How incredibly heartbreaking to get this email from a Livejournal account I've mostly forgotten about.

I mentioned this post to some friends in a Discord chat, people I met well after my time here on LJ, and I linked to one of my favorite works she posted (going up flying, going home) and someone in the group, who came to fandom in a completely different way than I did, who never even had an LJ, reacted with a shocked "What? Her??" So it was not just people here that knew and loved her and her works ( ... )


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