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Comments 4

dudugodudugo January 16 2020, 00:32:27 UTC
Hey antuhsa. Because of you, williamsnickers convinced me to participate in the Snowflake Challange, so, cheers. I'm glad to hear that you will continue to pursue bookbinding, and am wildly interested to see you create an actual shelf of fan-fiction books. Your "Lost World" project still impresses me. Will leather be easier or harder to work with?


antuhsa January 20 2020, 19:04:42 UTC
Did I? That's awesome. Hope you'll enjoy participating!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed my previous bookbinding projects and are interested in my future ones. I'm very much looking forwards to that shelf of bound fanfics myself.
Binding books in leather is more difficult, unfortunately. Leather is a wonderful material, but it's a natural product, so it has a mind of its own which you need to learn how to work with.


dudugodudugo January 22 2020, 04:47:28 UTC
It sounds like you have faced the difficulties of leather before. Do you have a fanfic in mind for your first leather project? I'm sure you do. I'm wondering if your bookbinding studies dedicate a large part to leather, or if there are many materials that are equally good for binding. Will you tool the leather or some other cover art, like you did for the Lost World? One of my sister's proudest accomplishments was to write and bind a small book, which I still have, but I'm afraid cotton and cardboard have not held up well with time. Please post your results, as I would like to see them. Happy binding!


antuhsa January 30 2020, 21:13:02 UTC
Yeah, I've used leather in bookbinding projects twice before, but never in the 'traditional' way, so I haven't used leather to its full potential yet. We'll be working with almost exclusively in the second year of the bookbinding programme though, so I'll get more experience with it soon. As for other materials that are good for bookbinding, you can use a lot of stuff. Leather and parchment have been used for centuries and work well, but so do paper and bookcloth and lots of other things. As long as it's flexible and doesn't let glue seep through, you can make it work.

I absolutely do have a few fanfics in mind that I'd bind in leather if I ever were to bind them, like In Between Days or Rapture. I may not like the latter very much, but it still screams 'leather!' to me, and I wouldn't bind it in anything else. Leather tooling is a whole different skill though, one that I currently don't have. I'd very much like to learn it, but it will take weeks, if not months, of regular practice before I'll be comfortable enough with it, so it's ( ... )


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