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Comments 2

Hello! myfirstisfourth September 2 2019, 16:16:57 UTC
It's thrilling to see you exploring and the book is lovely! I do miss you in the fests and I've been atrocious with chats for a while. Mostly because I am doing nothing and going nowhere except work and home. Knowing the Snarry Swap prompts were going had me thinking of you anyway and then I saw this post. I wish you success in any endeavor you try. You can't be blamed for having an active mind in need of constant stimulation. Several of my writing friends are much the same way. Make it work for you. :-D

Just wanted to say Hi and offer some encouragement. :-D <3

All my Best!


RE: Hello! antuhsa September 4 2019, 20:09:45 UTC
Hi! How wonderful to see you online again! I've missed you too and really hoped you hadn't left permanently, but I'm happy to see that's not the case. How are you doing? Are you going to participate in the Swap this year?Well, maybe I'd better ask you that in a PM.

Thanks so much for the encouragement! All you guys are so kind, it really warmed my heart. I'm already in a much better place than I was when I posted this, and that's partly because of you, so thank you! Oh, and I'm also glad you like the book!


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