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For prompt: Bobby stood at the foot of the twin hospital beds, contemplating the latest Winchester double act. On the right was Dean, right leg plastered to the hip, suspended in the air. On the left, Sam, left leg in a similar mirrored state.
That poltergeist had probably died trying to hold in a belly-laugh. “Idjits!”
I can't really explain it. I tried to write the story but it never wanted to go where I wanted it so I finally just gave up. Then I had to think about the idea of art: with no solid software to help me (or even an idea how to use it) and no artistic talent. I finally decided on manipulating around so I didn't have to try drawing with the mouse too much. It fails completely the vision I had of the (written) piece, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
This entry is both my entry for
spn_j2_xmas and for
hc_bingo broken bones