I just finished reading (ok, I'll admit; I skimmed) Gift Cards are Not Gifts on the Money section of the MSN site. It's a topic that comes up a lot this time of year, and Emily Post and Miss Manners both concur. Gift cards aren't gifts. Everybody knows that.
Aren't they? Do they? From the article: A gift, ideally, says, "I thought about you.
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Every year, more and more people complain that "we can't say Merry Christmas anymore"! Every year, I'm confused as to why "Happy Holidays" is so freaking upsetting.
So here, once again, is my opinion on the "Happy Holidays" debate. I wrote it in response to one of the many conversations about it on the BookCrossing Chit-Chat forum. I thought
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Blog Entry Subtitle: Or, I think I scared my friend Ky with my vehemence yesterday!This has been bothering me for a while. I keep hearing about this game that everyone is playing. I hear about it ALL. The. Time. And every time I hear it, I think it's something different from the word I've seen in writing all over the place. Turns out, it's
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I should not be allowed to post in Chit-Chat before 7:00 AM. Most days I have the appropriate filters on (read: only post in light-hearted or vibe-request threads), but this morning I didn't. And now I'm hot under the collar
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The hottest thread on the BXing forums right now has the dumbest title ever: [Hot Thread] Everyone Who Doesn't Like George W. Bush Please Post a Reply Here. Why does this piss me off? Not because people don't like George. Not because people are expressing their opinion about politics. But because it's a FREAKING book-lover site and that is the
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Is it just my company? The new codeword for "Department Meeting" at my firm is Town Hall Meeting. I don't get this. It seems to me you can have a town meeting. And your town meeting can be held in the town hall, but the only way it can be a "Town Hall Meeting" is if you're having a meeting about the town hall! No? Am I missing something
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note: I started this journal entry sometime around 6:00 this morning. Extenuating circumstances prohibited me from posting this until now. Actually, I started posting this at about 11:00 (it's now 11:22), and I had the majority of it written and posted, when I clicked on a link I wanted to include, and the browser window that it opened in was
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