That concentration is the key to successful spells in all fields of study, and not just Transfiguration. It's one of her rants, you know. Remus shot a victorious sort of look at James briefly. What, you thought I wasn't paying attention?
A pause, then he added, And poke Peter, would you? He's looking like he's about to start snoring over there, and if he gets detention, I'll be out of my steady supply of chocolate, which is Not Allowed.
Potter: 1
McGonagall: 0
Remus found it much easier to be sarcastic in writing, somehow.
James smirked, drumming his fingers lightly on the table.
A pause, then he added, And poke Peter, would you? He's looking like he's about to start snoring over there, and if he gets detention, I'll be out of my steady supply of chocolate, which is Not Allowed.
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