So I nearly got killed today... Version 1.5, with a few more pix

Apr 20, 2006 20:08

My neighbor accidentally put a .44 Magnum round though my wall. It missed my head by I'd say about three inches. It started in his bathroom, went through the mirror, went through the closet on the other side, blew through that closet door, traveled across his hallway, blew through our common wall, ricocheted upward off my computer desk, and lodged in the doorframe.

To the people who have claimed this is a hoax:

1) So I can attract more hits to a non-revenue blog? Yeah, ok.
2) For free advertising for my mythical paysite?
3) I destroyed a mirror, a wall, a desk, and a doorframe on purpose so I could what, exactly?
4) I'm an attention whore. Yep, that's why about 75% of my LJ entries are Friends Only and I keep my Friends List pretty small.
5) I pretty have tried every character class, race, gender and have played both Horde & Alliance. I have a level 60 Warrior as my prime, but I've been testing a few others. That's what I was doing when the incident happened.

6)Ballistics "experts" who claim I don't know what I'm talking about and claim I don't know shit about weapons. Let me put it this way. I'm certified to drive an M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and to operate its 25mm Bushmaster chaingun and TOW missile launcher. It also explains why I "just happen" to have the certain something in the last picture.


So I was playing World of Warcraft. I'm right handed. You can pretty much figure out where I was sitting. Bonus: Free new computer desk.

Where the round finally stopped. It hit the desk and ricocheted upwards, which is how it ended up at the top of the doorframe.

My neighbor's bathroom, where the shot originated. Check out the mirror. Something tells me he just forfeited his security deposit. Note the twin .50AE Desert Eagles, M-16 magazine, loose ammo, and .357 Magnum laying around like toys. Nice. The .44 Magnum he nearly killed me with is out of sight.

Close-up of the mirror. Yes, this was obviously made with a power drill as part of my elaborate hoax.

His wall. IIRC, this is the wall he shares with me. I'm not sure what caused the second hole. I'm guessing part of the destroyed closet door.

He also owns an M-4 carbine, a Bushmaster, about half a dozen Glocks from 10mm on down, a .44 Automag, a Heckler & Koch MP5, and he said he has a Barrett.50 cal sniper rifle and a .454 Casull on order.

Me, wearing drywall shrapnel.

The actual round. It's pancaked pretty good*. Sorry it's blurry, I was trying to take the picture one-handed.



1) I've become a minor internet celebrity.
2) It is now safe to play Warcraft again:

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