(mostly) comfortfic recs

Nov 06, 2009 03:02

I keep making resolutions to post and comment more, and then I, uh, don’t follow through. I love you guys, I really do, but I am the worst at not lurking; it is such an ingrained habit. /o ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

harborshore November 6 2009, 14:35:01 UTC
I know that equation very very well. For instance, I now have all the stories you recced except the two I'd read open in tabs *hides*.


antihysteric November 6 2009, 15:04:29 UTC
Heeeeee. I am sorry to enable, but I hope you enjoy the stories! (and that things aren't TOO stressful. <3)


harborshore November 6 2009, 16:07:30 UTC
They aren't too dreadful, I just had the first lecture of a new class in which I got smacked in the face with subtle sexism and more blatant antisemitism, so I spent about an hour with my mom coming up with a strategy for dealing with it in the seminars. So the fic recs were timely. ♥


moralimperative November 6 2009, 14:35:42 UTC
(you say ingrained habit, i read integrated hobbit. seriously?)

so so good to hear from you!! i was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering how on earth you were, but you must have felt it and replied! :D or you know, it's a coincidence... lol

i'm sorry to hear that you've been stressed :( that isn't a good exciting at all. me, i'm overwhelmed, but i'm doing and being what i'm best at: an ostrich! i will bury my head and pretend (la la la la la la la la) that nothing is happening! yessss.... not really, but you know. i say "i'll do it on the weekend," then three days later, "rats! when did they eliminate the third day of the weekend??"

i haven't put my head down to read fic in so long, and i was just wondering why i lost contact with fics yesterday (same time i was thinking of you.... cosmic powers of coincidence!), but i trust your rec's, and i can't wait to read some of these :)

can't wait to hear from you (when you've got the time though, no hurry!)


antihysteric November 6 2009, 15:01:40 UTC
integrated hobbit? HEE. Doesn't everybody have one? :D

I, too, have often wondered what happened to the third day in the weekend, as well as the 25th hour in the day. an ostrich is actually a good animal to imitate! as long as you don't actually ignore your work -- from what I know of you, that definitely doesn't happen -- not thinking all the time about what you have to do, how overwhelmed/stressed you feel, how much is going on, etc. is probably healthy. I do that unfortunate indefatigable anxiety thing, and yeah. not fun!

but really I am doing well, and my life is not as hard as all my whinging likely makes it seem. :p

yay! it's so nice to be talking to you again! (you got my replies on that back-and-forth post we've got going, yes?) <3333


the_rusty_bird December 7 2009, 10:35:21 UTC
Random, I know, but I'd like to friend you if it's okay? My comp (borrowed atm) won't load profiles for some reason so I don't know your friending policy or if you have one. But I think you are cool and interesting and skilled ftw so. yes.
(Promise I won't turn up in your backyard tree with a stalker!camera or anything else for that matter)


antihysteric December 8 2009, 15:31:39 UTC
hi! that's totally ok. I have no real friending policy to speak of, but you're completely welcome. Flatterers and not!stalkers are always welcome, heee. :D

unrelatedly: hello there, Merlin icon! Have you been watching season 2? if yes, what do you think of it?


the_rusty_bird December 9 2009, 09:35:47 UTC
O hai thar new computer!!!
Have friended! but. yes and no to Merlin. I sort of gave up a bit on it just before that two parter with the troll woman thing? I dunno, didn't watch it. It isn't that I hate it, I just... tend to get frustrated when the people that get paid heaps of money to write shows do a worse job of it than what I could come across in a v short period of fanfic searching. Also my life went batshit crazy and I cbf finding and downloading all the episodes to catch up. And I sort of stumbled across star trek (lol, yes I do know I'm a bit late to the party. it's fashionable, I hear.) and have been dabbling around in the shallow end of their pool.
Have you kept up? should I prodigal son on their asses? or is it still being a bit weird and inconsitently characterised (my absolute pet hate)?


antihysteric December 10 2009, 13:48:33 UTC
I haven't been watching this season - I know what you mean about batshit crazy living. I've just been trying to decide whether it'd be worth it to bother dling and mainlining it over my winter break, so I'm soliciting opinions. I hate inconsistent characterization too, SO MUCH, unless it's deliberately ~mysterious or carefully explained. so maybe I'll only get into it if I have nothing better to do. :/

oh, star trek. It has been the ruin of many poor fans :P


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