Sisters Are Doing It To Themselves!!

Jan 19, 2007 18:19

Okay... listen up everybody it is the Patriachal System, run by Teh Evol men on this planet that is the problem!!! Leave a bunch of wimmin to themselves, and things will be sooo much better.

Well, that is the *theory*. in practice, what actually would happen if a bunch of women were sequestered away together from the outside world? Would they make life for themselves and each other heaven or hell?

There is no need to speculate, folks because it has happened already.

A reality TV show in great Britian called 'Big Brother' shuts a group of people away in seclusion. they are cut off from all outside communication , but we can look in on the scene via a tv link. Each week, the public can vote one of the 'contestents' off the show until only one is left.

You may think that such a concept is boring - who wants to watch what happens when a bunch of people get shut in together? Not me for sure. however, the current crop of female contestents have indulged in such a spate of cattines, bitchiness and other manifestations of 'sisterly solidarity' that not only have the police been called, but questions have ben asked in the Commons and a diplomatic incident has been sparked off between India and Great Britain. This is because Jade Goody, one contestent, ganged up with the others on one of the young women on the show and singled her out for racial and personal abuse. This led to a massive number of complaints to the TV station. Gordon Brown, a prominent member of the British Government, has appealed to the public to vote Jade Goody off the show in order to show that Brits will not tolerate racism in our society.

Now maybe some very smart, well educated Women's Studies Major can tell us why this bunch of women, left to their own devices, screwed things up and *still* make it look like its all the fault of the men out there, but my take on it is that Jade Goody and her mates are vacuous bigots. Shilpa, the young Bollywood star they all picked on is a talented actress who speaks several languages including English and French, and these women got jealous.

I do not condone any act of oppression against anyone, but I am not daft enough to think that some women do not cause their own problems, or that women do not contribute to the misery of other women. people's attitudes, not their gender, is the problem. part of the reason for the evil in the world is that power tends to corrupt. women never used to have any power, but as soon as they get it, they handle it no better or worse than men do, it seems.
I post a link to the original story for those who do not watch Brit TV and will be handing out the popcorn later...
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