Jan 19, 2007 22:39
What is the properly "enlightened" response to a woman in a terribly low-cut shirt bending over with her hands on a table and initiating a long conversation asking for my advice? She wasn't flirting, I'm fairly certain, (she's got a fiancee) just sort of oblivious.
I settled on "look shocked for a second, focus on eyes, look at refrigerator, ceiling, floor, and eventually shift position and pretend to look into the distance meditatively while answering questions."
Is the proper response to treat it as an oafish faux pas, like a man with his fly just egregiously down who wants to stand up in front of class and talk? Or is this an unavoidably sexual thing?
In a slightly more serious discussion: how can I avoid objectifying someone who has packaged themselves so nicely as an object? I don't mean this, as the phrasing might suggest, as a cop-out or an excuse, but indeed, how can this be done? Bikinis, bustiers, banana hammocks, is it wrong, undesirable, or degrading to objectify someone who is voluntarily emphasing their, you know, objects?