mRNA Vaccines: A MISTAKE?

Oct 25, 2022 08:07

I suggest you watch all of these, if and when you might find the time.  The COVID mRNA vaccines have been proving themselves to be having severe side-effects, in many cases.  (Not in ALL cases, as of present).  The main ones appear to be miocarditis, blood clots, Bells Palsy, sudden collapse and death, bizarre neuro-cognitive events and, of course, the long-hauler CFS-like syndrome.  Because of this dark physiological backlash, many professionals and media celebrities have been backtracking and denying their involvement in the vaccine pressure campaign.  This includes Anthony Fauci, under pressure from various directions, who is stepping down at the end of the year.  Fauci has receive around a million dollars of "gifts" from non-profit organisations, a vast, and one-time-considered illegal, conflict of interest.

During the COVID pressure campaign, for two years, masks and lockdowns were pushed as being required and necessary, as dictated by, "the science."  However, science and examples in reality have documented that these measures are virtually always useless, counterproductive and sometimes even harmful.  The justification for mandating these measures, especially be people who partied together maskless and in violation of lockdowns, was unethical and legally dubious.  Media, Big Tech and government suppression of information and alternate views was unjustified and ultimately did more harm than good, in my estimation.

These included suppression of the Great Barrington Declaration, of the lab leak hypothesis with circumstantial evidence, and of alternate therapeutics, such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, famotidine, vitamin D and zinc.  Suppression of alternate drugs was clearly driven by the fact that the emergency-use mRNA vaccines, profitting Pfizer, et al, would legally have had to have been halted, were it openly admitted that other drugs worked.  This has been perhaps the greatest scam in human history.

The mantra of, "follow the science," was in fact drummed up as a way to obscure the reality that science was actually not being followed.  (It was money that was being followed).  Clinical trials were skipped or halted, or simply run concurrently as public use of the vaccines, even though the vaccines were being touted as having been proved to have been highly effective and innocuous.

Despite the facts that vaccinated younger athletes were dropping dropping dead, that children were surviving covid quite robustly, and that natural and herd immunities have more long-term power than the specificity and waning efficacy of the vaccines, vaccines have been recommended and required for young and old alike.  And impossible asymptote was the objective, and money was the rationale.  After the Federal Government announcement of these vaccines being included in the CDC guidelines for all childhood vaccinations - guidelines automatically followed by many states - Pfizer increased the price of its vaccine dramatically.

I realised, over a year ago, that the fact that these vaccines waned in efficacy, and "required" more and more "booster shots," and displayed failure in preventing infection (or carrying the virus) meant that the more people were vaccinated, the more the COVID virus would be propagated in society.  The vaccines would, themselves, prolong and worsen the pandemic, spreading the virus to every new nook and cranny.

Not only that, they would create a biological environment where new strains would be created.  And, so, new vaccines would be developed to target the new strains, and more money could be made.  The fact that the vaccines decreased in efficacy over time, and new boosters "had to be" injected, also meant that personal - and so societal - immunity was decreasing, at least in respect to the covid-19 virus and its strains.  Both immunity via the vaccines AND natural immunity were failing.

So, the more the vaccines and boosters were injected, then the more natural and herd immunity in society were failing, at least in respect to these viruses.  We were destroying the prime means we needed to overcome the pandemic!

That is what it means when some people say that, "the vaccines destroy your immune system."  They don't exactly destroy entire immune systems, just what is relevant to these strains.  Although, who knows what might happen down the road.  This is entirely new technology.  These are not technically vaccines at all.  They are invasive genetic therapies.  They were rolled out not only to make money now, but to open the floodgates for future mRNA and CRSPR applications - and mandates.  And money.

You will note that, even after all the flack concerning the farming out of gain-of-function research and development to the Wuhan lab, Boston University has gone on to develop a new gain-of-function COVID virus, which kills in 80% of chimera mice in the lab, and this development is treated, by the media, as if it is something almost completely normal.  Once again, the cognitive disconnect pushes its way through the door of social consciousness.

Large blood clots have been found in cadavers of people who have been vaccinated with these vaccines.  This parallels the many reports of death by heart attack, stroke and miocarditis.  There has been a wide discrediting of these apperently real devolopments, especially when it comes to the findings of a particular coroner, who is featured in the video below.  The findings are dismissed by such assertions that the cornoner is not a medical researcher, or that the blood clots, "could be anything - I don't know what those are!"  And, of course, there is dismissal by ad-hominum.  This sounds like same-old same-old, to me.  The fact is that such claims need to be paid close attention to, simply because if they actually proved to be correct, then this would be extremely important information - and then extremely important science.

There are many scientists, doctors and researchers who have come out against the false science supporting the vaccines, including lockdowns and so forth, such as the doctor who actually created the mRNA vaccine technology in the first place, Dr. Joseph Mercola, who is now discounted as a misinformation conspiracy theorist.  As long as we are mentioning conspiracy theories: Many reseachers in microbiology have mysteriously died in recent years.  But that's a hole nuther post.

Even before these mRNA vaccines came along, there were concerns about conventional vaccines, held by some, such as Robert Kennedy Jr.  Most vaccines contain preservatives and adjuvants, like mercury and aluminum, which may upset the immune system and cause chronic health issues.  These issues need to be researched further, rather than it being assumed they can not exist, by the fact that the drug companies are somehow the final authority on all things vaccine.  We have seen, time after time after time, dire consequences follow from the corporate attitude of sell first, ask questions later.

One suspected issue concerning today's mRNA vaccines is that they are said to contain a radio-magnetic reactive metal, graphine oxide.  (The renowned researcher investigating this area recently passed away).  Although many "fact-check" the claim that the vaccines contain this metal, based on ists of ingredients provided by the drug companies, the drug companies are not actually required to list all ingredients.  So, so much for that.  If these vaccines do contain graphine oxide, it is not out ofthe realm of hypothesis to suspect that WiFi waves may prompt them to form into active, incisive crystalline form.  Since this metal would be pervasive throughout the brain and body, it is also worth quesitoning whether such might lead to sudden neuro-cognitive attacks, strokes and/or deaths, as have been reported.

Also, consider that the vaccines cause the body to produce not the full covid virus, but the spike protein.  The spike protein is what normally allows the virus to attach to a cell, and then invade internally.  WHo is to say that free-floating spike cells might not bring in alternate intruders, or simply evoke some immune response by singly irritating cell walls, such as those withing arteries?  This might be how the blood clots are developing.  (A scientific note: these clots are low-platelet, unusually).

So, from lack of clinic, nevermind long-term clinical, studies - from lack of real-world data-gathering - from acting as though the vaccines were superior to all other therapies - we really know very little about the possible consequences of the so-called vaccines.  Rather, there has been a collective effort to shut up any serious questioning of them, or of so-called authority.

The videos below show that there should be serious questions being asked, as there are serious suggestions of dangers from the vaccines.  All of the videos are related to Alex Jones' site,  Over these past years, I have not gained my knowledge from such sites.  In fact, I have a whole shitload of links, often to highly respected medical journals, etc, which I have yet to post.  But, this handful of videos just happens to be what I am posting for you at the moment.  I think you will find the last video the most disturbing.  Or the most evoking of questions.

Considering that it really may be possible that, as the years go by, we might see more and more tragic deaths and suffering caused by these vaccines.  (The drug companies have been given legal immunity).  This is a very grueling thought, for me.  I think of all my siblings, my LJ friends, the people I have known from the past, who may get ill and fall tragically from something so stupid, unnecessary and almost profane.  I, myself, have spent decades in chronic illness, triggered by a pesticide spill.  So, just knowing what might be in store for so many innocent people really breaks my heart.  I deeply hope that the vast majority of people injected with these vaccines never do experience adverse reactions.

But, I remember discussing with an LJ friend how it does seem that the threats from climate change, food scarcity, and so on, really did make it seem like the world needed to reduce its population.  But, as far as how to accomplish that, humanely, I had no idea.  It is said, by some, that these vaccines are part of a plan to do just that - albeit insanely inhumanely.  It is said that a cabal of elites has higher ideals, and knows better than us, how to remake humanity.  How to reduce it and take it over.  So they can build their own transhumanist heaven on earth.

Well, I cannot say that I know that this conspiracy theory is valid.  But I do not that there has been, through history, an endless, relentless stream of elitist and corporate fuck-ups who inevitably get the world into ridiculous trouble, over and over again.  I do feel that, at the very least, that is happening, once again.

Just as one person can periodically be undone by his or her own vices or follies - such as greed, or vanity, or curiosity, or denial - our entire species seems to go through times were we really screw things up for ourselves.  And, today, they are calling this latest, "fourth turning," a, "Great Reset."  Say it isn't so.

The world sneezes and is sent into convulsions.

One hour video:

Facebook post
Terrifying Viral Videos of Shaking After COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not What They Seem

Zero Hedge: Less Than 1 In 100 Million Chance That COVID-19 Has Natural Origin: New Study

vaccines? - mrna 'vaccines'

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